Looking for an app to help create documentation

I use to have an app years ago that would allow me to bring in screenshots, and create documentation/tutorials. I stopped having to do that and have in the years since lost the name of that app.

Does anyone know of a good app that can be used to build Tutorials, and other documentation that can then be sent out as PDFs?

If PDF is output target … large number of apps that do this. Start with the stuff already (probably) on your Mac: Pages, Keynote, etc. Also Microsoft Word, PowerPoint … Scrivener which is a superb authoring tool (inexpensive).

There are many more speciality tools for doing these sorts of things which others will chip in on. I’ve always kept it to the above tools.

Could you be thinking of Clarify 2 for Mac? Not sure that it is in active development.

could be. it was almost 10 years ago.

is there anything out there that is built specifically for this use case? I’ve used word, and pages in the last year, but I find myself not liking the work flow.

You might have been thinking about Clarify, which was an excellent app for documentation and tutorials. Too bad, but the developer gave up a few years ago. Not for sale.

Check out the possibilities with Keynote. You might think it’s just for presentation decks, but it’s actually a very clever and flexible app for documentation.

I also like Presentify, but haven’t done anything complex with it.


There was a discussion about Clarify a few years ago on here!

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Here’s Folge, which was mentioned in the thread @RosemaryOrchard metamentioned.


The company that made Clarify-It discontinued it in favor of ScreenSteps.

OmniGraffle can also be used for creating documentation. It’s really easy to move stuff precisely where you want it. I mostly use it though for short documentation, like a one-sheeter.

Thank you for mentioning my app! If anyone has any questions about Folge happy to answer them :slight_smile: !

Thanks everyone I’ll definitely be checking these out.