There has been some discussion about it:
Recently it feels like I’ve been hearing about Agenda everywhere, and I am curious to see who here is using it, on which platform, and for what purposes. It seems like it might fit in as my work notebook, but I’d like to read some example workflows involving it! Similarly, if you’ve tried it but realised it didn’t work for you I’d like to hear why, and what you liked about it as well as disliked.
I’m interested Agenda users’ impressions of the app these days. I use time blocking to plan my activities, and use DropTask for that because it has very good two-way integration with Google Calendar – what I plan in DropTask shows up in BusyCal via the Google Cal sync, and what I schedule in Busy Cal shows up in DropTask.
In this mix, I find I need a good notetaker to flesh out the tasks that I’m planning with DropTask. Note taking is not a strong suite of DropTask. So I occasionally turn…
I seem to recall someone mentioned using Agenda with Things. Can’t find the post now.
Are any of you using the two together? If so, what does your (conceptual) workflow look like?
I’ll be honest, this was a piece of software that I didn’t really ‘get’ in the past. However, some of the things Frederico has written about it have helped me see where it fits. I’m still not sure it would fit the way I work (few of my notes are tied to particular dates/calendar events) but I’m beginning to see how it might.