Agenda with Things?

I seem to recall someone mentioned using Agenda with Things. Can’t find the post now.
Are any of you using the two together? If so, what does your (conceptual) workflow look like?

I may have seen the post on the Agenda Discourse.

This is my conceptual context for Agenda. Not a workflow, per se, since there is no start and end point, but an objective of linking Agenda to planning apps and data sources.


I’ll admit, this takes time, is not always practical, and so I only exercise my “central hub” technique for important events / projects.


Very interesting post. Thanks for sharing.

I suppose it’s more of a data flow diagram, than workflow.

It’s also interesting that you have this preconceived framework for how to handle large projects. If you don’t mind sharing, what was the genesis of this (and presumably other) frameworks that you use?

I used DEVONthink as the “central hub” for project notes for years but gradually grew very bored by it – it seems to evolve nowhere. I decided to experiment with a note-taker hub and I’m currently experimenting with Agenda. The devs have promised interesting things, though not much is happening now. I can always unplug Agenda from the hub and use something else. The key is not the software so much as URL schemes that allow Agenda (or whatever replaces it) to be a “glue” across apps that I like to use, and the file system.

Oh crap, @anon41602260 ! I never thanked you for your last reply.
I just revisited this post to answer my same initial question.
Anyway, thanks again for sharing your work/data flow!

BTW, what tool did you use to create the diagram?

4 posts were split to a new topic: Diagrammix Diagramming Software