Mark Gurman's Apple Vision Pro habit: From once-a-day to once-a-week

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this article, but I am assuming it is an accurate representation of Mark’s original article.


I can’t read the article but I’ve heard/read similar statements. Marco Arment recently commented “. . . my vision pro is not even in my house right now. I actually lent it to a friend for a few days because I hardly ever use it.”

I read the original, he said this:

During the first couple of months that I owned my Vision Pro, I used it every day (sometimes several times a day). Now I’m down to maybe once or twice a week.

This pretty much is where I’m at with the Vision Pro now. I mostly use it on the weekend. It really is too heavy and difficult to use to be worth the effort when I just want to watch a few videos before I go to bed.

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I still use mine all the time. If not for work, general web browsing, watching things. Everything is better to me with it. I use two screens for my work PC. When I can use this, I can actually see all my apps instead of having to keep swapping back and forth. Can’t do everything with it. But it will get there.

Once you get the fit right, it’s quite comfortable.

The only real “barometer” of opinion that I’ve noticed recently is that the majority of Apple-related podcasts that I listen to (and, assuming, most MPU folks follow as well) have few things to say about the AVP now.

To be fair, DOJ vs. Apple news cropped up, as did the DMA… but I have to say that this is the quietest the Apple-based community has been about a new platform dropping in recent memory.

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I think they’ve said everything possible at this point. As noted on several Relay shows, there hasn’t been anything new happening on the platform since the initial rush. Minimal fresh content from Apple (and that MLS video they released got panned by many), and there aren’t a lot of compelling apps available for it yet.

It seems to be lodged in the “dev kit” stage of life and Apple really needs to get worldwide distribution and a critical mass of both developers and users. But how will they do that at the $3500 price point?

That’s not likely if this is correct.

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A worldwide distribution at this price point will result in an even more massive failure for Apple and these will be collecting dust at stores. The pricing in the EU has been crazy for the past couple of years across the product range, and in the countries where there is no official Apple store but only the Apple distributors, it’s even more crazy. For comparison, the iPhone 15 Pro Max with 512 GB storage is $2000 where I live, taxes included, but taxes are less of a problem – the initial pricing is crazy high. If they cannot make it a success in the US which has the highest disposable income in the world, this version is not worth releasing at this price point anywhere else in the hopes of getting some developer and user traction.

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Although pricing is an issue, I think there is a more fundamental problem with the product. I don’t believe there is or will be a significant demand for a large device that must be strapped to one’s face and tethered to a battery. The market for such a device is a niche geek market. I do not believe there is a mass market for it. That said, I assume Apple has done its market research, and I am certainly not in a position to do so.


It’s not a device that I would ever buy. If it were just the form of a plain regular glasses, then it would have been a different outcome. It’s like wearing a helmet at work or at entertainment

Just not practical.


Ridculous price point may be its achilles heel. We are all forced to swallow Apple’s bloated RAM and SSD prices because we need our laptops. We don’t really “need” the vision pro. I definitely said no to the cost of this and I am usually an early adopter of everything apple.


It will obviously come down in price…just like the original Mac and iPhone did before becoming best-sellers.

iPhones never significantly came down in pricing, in fact, adjusted for inflation, the pricing has remained more or less the same.

The iPhone SE starts at $429 and is 100x better than the original iPhone. You can obviously pay more for higher-end models and features but the entry-level iPhone has never been cheaper.

ah, the old infinite timeline argument… :smiley:

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I wouldn’t say anything that Apple makes is cheap, other than the quality of some of their cases and smart covers. But the SE and older iPhone models (currently the 13 & 14) are less expensive to manufacture than the current models, and I suspect Apple still makes a good profit on them.

Exactly. I rarely buy Apple products before version 3, instead waiting for both the form factor and the bugs to settle down, and the price to come down to something palatable.

I agree with you and I regret paying for a device that I use less and less now. If I could return to Apple now I would.

I’m sorry, I know that was expensive. If it is any consolation, many of us have made similar mistakes. You can still sell it, though you would have to sell it at a discount.

Addendum: coincidentally, as soon as I wrote the above, I switched over to Apple News to catch up on the news and stumbled upon this article serendipitously. This was not planned, but timely. I’m sure it will not be an encouragement to you.

Keep in mind that it is still very early when it comes to Vision Pro. The software is only a few months old and developers are still in the process of imagining new apps. Remember that the iPhone didn’t have any 3rd party apps until year 2, cut-copy-paste until year 3, etc. and we all know how that turned out. I wouldn’t underestimate Apple’s software prowess when iterating on visionOS.