Moom 4: A Major Upgrade to the Moom Window Manager for Mac

I believe I also can’t use Snap in this case as the sizes of 3 monitors are so different. I guess it’s fine. I have some fixed layout and having a hotkey to trigger them helped a bunch already.

I am trying to fix a layout for an app, say WhatsApp. If I add a Layout, it will automatically add for all the open apps in the system. In order to just add WhatsApp, I have to quit all the others. Am I using it all wrong?

Don’t quit them, just switch to WhatsApp and then select WhatsApp > Hide Others to hide all the other apps temporarily. Once you save the layout, select WhatsApp > Show All.


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I am enjoying Moom 4 very much, the more I use it and the more I understand how its various components work together, the more I appreciate it.

For a person who sweat over window positioning to the pixel, this is a welcome tool indeed :slight_smile:

[quote="rob_griffiths, post:43, topic:38183”]
to hide all the other apps temporarily.
This is so obvious now that you mentioned it! :man_facepalming:

I am trying out a layout that has 4 windows with a 3rd and 4th window overlapping each other. The idea is to divide the monitor into 3 parts and a fourth part (green square in the picture below) that overlaps them, so I could use drop zone and have a window at that position if the situation demands it. Such as this:

When I perform a drop zone though, it seems that the overlapping parts are not shown. Is that a bug or it’s intended that way? Or, I have to create a different layout for the bigger zone? (I am also trying to reduce the number of hotkey I need to configure for different layout of the dropzones.

P.S. it would be great if Moom could list down the windows (as I highligted in yellow in the layout screenshot above), instead of truncating it. While the preview does show the application name, they get overlapped and, if it involves multi monitor, the preview does not show the app in the other monitors. So if the list show them, it will be very helpful indeed.

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That’s currently the way it behaves, but support for overlapping windows is on the to do list.

The big problem with this is that a layout could involve a dozen windows, especially for someone on a multi-display Mac. It’s on our list to look into, but we have to find a good way to do it without cluttering the UI.

Try clicking that small arrow at the bottom right of the saved layout :).


Thank you for your response, Rob.
And I have to also praise the documentation in Many Tricks website. It helped me a lot :clap:


Really enjoying the new Moom. There’s a very good review with great tips on Macstories this week.


Hi there, I really like te new version! Some quirks I have is that with Moom’s Hover feature, that it doesn’t play nice with things like HazeOver etc.

If I move the front most window the new Hover feature (that is a modifier key and moving the mouse) the window moves. But if I want to move an underlying window, it moves the ‘shades overlay’ that HazeOver created instead of the window.

Also, it looks that everytime I log back in into my Mac (no restart but after sleep) Moom is stopped and I need to re-open it. Yes I checked already the box with ‘open at login’. So something is a little off there too. Maybe something on my end I don’t know. Will restart later my computer and maybe do a repair of the disk permissions and see if that all helped.

Keep up the good work!

We weren’t aware of Hazeover until your post. Apps like this (that use windows a user can’t see to cover real windows) are troublesome for Moom, because Moom sees all windows. We can usually get Moom to work around such invisible windows once we’re aware of them, and that’s the case here: Peter believes he’s worked around their window.

Please open a ticket on our support site, or hop onto our Discord channel, and we’ll get you a test version.

Ticket System

Make sure there are no crash logs for Moom in Console. If there are, let me know and I’ll arrange you to send me one. Assuming there aren’t any, this is a macOS issue that pops up on occasion. The best way to try to fix it is this:

Remove Moom from your login items, and make sure the app isn’t set to launch at login. Then reboot, launch Moom, and set it to run at login. This almost always works.


Thank you for your response! Another ‘window’ that causes issues because it’s always wrongly taken by Moom is NotchNook (used on an non-notch MacBook so it becomes a little ‘beard/tray’ under the menubar.)

I will try your suggestion with the login item.

Thanks again for your cooperation here in the forum.

Thanks; we’ll see if we can’t catch that one, too.


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I am loving the new Moom, but there’s one little thing I want to “fix” and I can’t work out how. In Moom 3 it left a little border/gap around the edge of the screen so that open windows didn’t go right to the edges, but in Moom 4 the windows go right to the edges of the display. (There is probably a phrase I should be using but I don’t know what it is, so hopefully you all know what I’m talking about!). I can’t get used to the new setting and much prefer to have the gap between windows so there is space. I’ve looked in the settings to see if I can put this back but I don’t know what I am looking for and nothing seems like it might do that. Does anyone know what I am talking about and if I can revert it back to having the little gaps again?

I probably misunderstand you but, is this what you are looking for?

I think that’s what they’re looking for as well, based on how the question was worded. @Pupsino, if that’s not what you’re after, please let us know in more detail what you’re trying to achieve.


Quick follow-up after buying Moom 4: I’m very pleased with its functionality, especially the customizable “green button” pop-up palette. I particularly like the “hexagon standard grid” (although I wish it had a mini-grid of rectangles… why hexagons?).

The other main functions like hover, window snapping, drop zones, layouts, etc., all work really well.

I do still like my gesture-driven window management options that I set up in BTT, but besides that, I think I will switch all the other options to Moom.

There definitely is no reason for Rectangle anymore, which I kept around for a few specific resize options that were hard to do in BTT.

Kudos to the developer(s). Keep up the great work!

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Their FAQ stated that the rectangle grid was patented already. So, they have to use alternate ways to show it.

@rob_griffiths It is that, thank you! I completely failed to even see the gear in the top right corner and was flailing about in the main window. Sorry for being an idiot!! All is good now with nice gaps so I have “space”!


Ah, interesting! :thinking:

@rob_griffiths , I wonder if Moom could have a “grid of dots” (instead of rectangle outlines). When you mouseover the dots, the cumulative area get shaded. But technically they are dots, not rectangles! That should be distinct enough not to infringe on IP. And it offers an alternatives to the hexagons, which (though creative) are a bit confusing since the shaded area is slanted.

Unfortunately, no. We tried many versions when this issue arose, and the only one that survived scrutiny was the hexagon: The problem isn’t dots or rectangles, but presenting an overall shape at a reduced size that mimics the shape of an actual display (i.e. rectangular) and then letting the user select portions of that display.

This is why we’re allowed to use rectangles in a full-screen grid, because it’s not representing a full display at reduced size.


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Wow!! Incredible story.

How someone can patent “Representing Something in a Smaller Scale” is unbelievable.

Sorry you’re in that jam, but thanks for trying to find a workaround with the hexagons.