Notched MacBooks

A piece of electrician’s tape should do the trick. It’s also good for covering those irritating check engine lights. :grinning:


I don’t use tape to cover the camera on my M1 Air.:grinning:


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…and all of those have an extremely thick bezel…

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Honestly, I kinda like that look. The notch has really grown on me as time has passed. It has become strangely “iconic” in a way. With just a glance you know whether someone has an iPhone or one of the multitude of Android models on the market.

It’s not quote the same situation on the Mac since we already have the Apple logo on the front cover…and I’m currently unsure how it is going to work with the menu bar - but otherwise I think I will probably like it as well!

Good thing too…as I write this, the October event has just passed and we now know there definitely is a notch on the M1 Pro and M1 Max MBP. They obviously need a place for the camera so it becomes a question of which would you rather have…a smaller top bezel with a camera notch or a larger top bezel where the camera is “hidden” in the bezel?

In my opinion, I prefer the former. What about you?

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I have never put tape over any of my camera lenses. I just am not all that concerned about the kssue.

I don’t frequent questionable sites.
I use anti-virus/malware protection.
I use “safe” computing best practices and common sense.
I don’t leave my computer “on” when I’m not using it.
I trust Apple’s new privacy lights for camera/mic active notification when/where available.

And finally, if someone still manages to hack in to watch my active webcam, all they will see is my ugly mug while I do my work…so, the joke is on them!

I’m with you on this one.

and billionaires

Agreed…and with the online pervs out there, I would have a different opinion if I were a woman. My wife covers all of her lenses and I fully support her! She doesn’t even like that I have Hey, Siri active on my HomePod!

Just eyeballing my 13" Air I think the bezel reduction they did could put a 14" in this same size body. checks specs
NOPE! a SMALLER body! Lower footprint, higher screen diagonal dimensions.

That’s incredible!

RE: the notch. Users can move the right side around w/ apps like Hidden Bar (the one I use) or Bartender. But for the left side, I think apps are going to have to make their menus fit, either a hard stop based on the 14" model or a responsive/collapsible menu which could expand for older hardware.