Oct 30, 2018 Apple Event Streaming Thread

Buckle up gang. On October 30 at 10AM EST we’re getting new iPad Pros, Macs, and who knows what else. Here’s the place for MPU listeners to congregate and discuss.


10am Eastern. Good thing I looked at this post because I would’ve tuned in at 1pm Eastern. But do I now eat a super early lunch to accommodate, which is what I usually do for the normal 1pm slot?

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I would compromise and have brunch during the event?


I have to admit, over the last couple of years, my interest has waned a bit on these events. I used to have to watch/track them live but it’s been rare that I’ve done that over the last 3 years.

But I’m very interested in tomorrow’s event. Really curious about new iPad Pros and laptops. I’m using an iPad Air 2 (almost exclusively for consumption) and a 2012 Macbook Pro for everything else. Knock on wood, the laptop is still going pretty strong for my needs.

It would be a luxury to replace either of these and quite honestly, I’m not sure what I want more.


I think Apple’s getting a lot of my money this year: iPad Pro (+ Pencil2? + keyboard?), iPhone XS Max, and who knows, maybe even a HomePod if Costco’s $299 deal resurfaces (there, or elsewhere) around Black Friday…


I’m flirting with the idea of the larger iPad. And yes it’s because I want to be the large iPad guy :crazy_face:

I just bought a car…

Just going to look at this stuff with envy…


I’m sort of in the same boat now. I’ve watched every keynote for the last 4 or so years (live) or followed it on Twitter if I wasn’t able to watch live, but I have to admit during the most recent iPhone Keynote, I spent more time screwing around on Twitter than actually watching the event itself.

The display on my 2016 MBP just took a nosedive, so now I’m curious about what new laptop will be coming out tomorrow and if I’ll want to move to it or just stick with my MBP (after I’ve had it repaired).

These events are almost as expensive as the recent 30 for 30 episode.

@MacSparky talking about the iPad pro helped me make the decision to get one last year.

Living in the UK meant I Went even further than @katiefloyd to buy my kit.

I went from NI to NY apple store to buy my pencil

Looking forward to Tuesday’s announcement - and a macmini is a must this time around.

but from here in UK we don’t see anything until late Afternoon.

Weird for me at 7AM. Means I’ll have to push my morning hike until alter in the day. Right now the sun is just coming out here at 7AM in sunny SoCal.

Midnight in Australia, @MacSparky! Early bed for me!

What also strikes me as odd is that they developed this great Steve Jobs theater and only the iPhone keynote happens there (at least for now anyway). It would be great to see them use it for at least a couple events a year there.

I don’t think that the Steve Jobs theater is used for public events only. Maybe, they use it as a high end company cinema. :laughing:

Honestly, I am curious about today’s event. They definetly have a reason to go to New York into the Brooklyn Academy of Music. There has to be a connection to this place. An Academy of Music and 370 logos for the event could mean a heavy focus on creating stuff on the iPad and apparently on the Mac. If there weren’t so many rumours about new Macs I would have been sure that this is only a “little” iPad event.

10am ET is a weird time, especially given the fact that the US are still on daylight savings time and Europe is not. It means that we in Europe are at work at 3pm. :slight_smile: 10am PT under regular circumstances means that we in Europe are able to watch keynotes on 7pm.

Hopefully, Apple will be fast to offer the recording of the keynote for streaming…

I shall be watching from the sofa on the big screen through the AppleTV app surrounded by snacks whilst waving my Apple flag and wearing my big foam Apple finger.



The Apple Store just went down ahead of the keynote


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In good news, this afternoon’s meeting that was scheduled during the keynote has been cancelled! So I’ll be able to watch live which is always more fun.


What? :fearful: Ok, reading again.

Phew! :smile:


@Christian , Read that exactly the same way!