The pkm app space is growing so much since Roam Research, I am really interested to know what is the latest trend and why people prefer one versus the other.
This poll is regarding the PRIMARY app you use , so please choose one only. I may not have included all the app I know , so there is a catch all option for any other app not listed.
sorry, I just found that I cannot change it after 5 minutes that poll started, and that is fair.
On another note, I think we should discuss the essential criteria for PKM note taking ( not just any note taking purpose)
May be we can follow BASB theme from Tiago Forte to use
C - capture
O - organise
D - distill
E - express
from app’s perspective, I think having the ability to link notes is one essential function. Also ability to share with others (Express) by way of exporting or public link or publishing is another
Anything else should be added to the essential feature list ?
I use many applications, but if anything doesn’t eventually make its way into Notenik then it was just relevant to whatever information does end up in Notenik.
I use DevonThink for general management of information resources, TheBrain for Zettelkasten and MarginNote for consolidating insights from new books, Youtube videos, podcasts etc.
I use DEVONthink 3 but have gone back to paper and pencil for a lot of stuff. I liked nvAlt but am waiting for Ultra, sort of dithering about going paper less again but… You know how it is! Any idea when Ultra will be finished. I know one of the developers is, if I am right, an ER doctor and must be pretty busy these days… or whatever. I will say nvAlt was my all time favorite note taker.
Could also add details about other related apps in my PKM set-up (cough, Thunk), but the rules did say mention one app only…
I love the fact that Drafts has grown with me as I’ve continued to use it. Partly because of Greg’s canny development, but also partly because of the facility to code my own Javascript actions.
I did the same for a long time but have surprised myself with how happy I am to give up editing individual files in Byword. I still send documents and clippings of one kind or another to EagleFiler (I love its flexible organization and its search capabilities). But all the notes files I previously edited as standalone Markdown in Byword are slowly but surely migrating to folders in the NotePlan app.