Proper iPhone charging habit?

It’s a wide range of delayed damage because the drop off “accelerates”. If you were able to baby your phone and keep your battery health at 95% after a year, you’d probably still be above 90% without optimized charging. (Most of us used to baby our phones more.)

If you had more typical use like Andreas (high eighties to low nineties) you’d be close to 80% after a year without optimized charging. If you managed to hit 85% after a year, you’d probably be well into the 70s without it.

Plus, it gives you margin in case you have another problem ((stored the phone in a warm place, too much rapid charger use, stayed on buggy iOS version.)

I had always kept my iPhone 11Pro Max charged all through the night and when ever possible I could charge. The original battery was still at 80%. I used it for 4+ years when I traded that for 14 earlier this year.

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I’m suspecting the app 1Blocker to be the cause of this so,Stine’s rapid drainage that I experience on my iPhone. I don’t see it the same though on my iPad Pro also with 1Blocker installed, albeit a much larger battery of course

I always charge my 13 Pro and Apple Watch in the morning. I put both on the charger when I get up and by the time I have eaten breakfast they are charged up to about 80%, which works fine for me.

My just-shy-of 2 year old iPhone 13 gets charged only overnight (wired charging) with Optimized Battery Charging enabled.

It’s capacity is 90%.

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I have to admit I don’t see the point of the battery health monitor. If the phone’s ability to hold a charge degrades to the point where it impairs the phone’s usefulness, that’s a problem. Until then, why worry about it?

I feel the same way about sleep monitoring. I don’t need my Watch to tell me whether I slept well, or enough.

It’s fallout from the ‘batterygate’ lawsuit several years back. The idea is pretty much as you put it: if your phone seems to have a problem, then you can check battery health to see if it might be caused by the battery, and then replace the battery instead of the whole phone.

I don’t think it is meant to be something checked regularly, though power users are going to power user. :slight_smile:

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Anecdotal versus actual data. I’ll take actual every time.

While you may not find it useful, others may.

And that is the point.



My grandfather carried a pocket watch and lived to be 100. Smart devices have definitely saved lives, like those showcased in Apple’s recent presentation. But it appears constant monitoring is also causing others to suffer anxiety about their health.

When I was first diagnosed with mild hypertension my doctor told me to check my BP once a week. He said checking it too often can cause some people to worry about normal variations and actually cause their BP to rise.

Maybe all this unprescribed health monitoring isn’t healthy for a lot of people.


Yep, ignorance is bliss.

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iPhone 13, bought launch week 2 years ago. Battery health 90%, maybe charged wirelessly a couple times a year. S7 watch, bought January 2022, battery health is 93%.

I charge my phone and watch when they get low. Or when I know I’ll be out of the house for a while and want to top them off. If it’s below 35%, I’ll put my watch on the charger for 15-30 minutes before I go to bed so I can track sleep, then put it back on the charger after the gym in the morning. Phone gets plugged in when I get in the car for CarPlay.

No special care taken, just plug in when I need to plug in, and I don’t obsess over it because the software and hardware already have their own “plans” for charging and it’s just not worth the effort to play games with it.


I hope you have hypertension under control.

I lost 100 pounds and have kept it off for 12 years with the help of my iPhone and the LoseIt app. I weigh myself every Monday morning, and that’s it. Many people wear themselves daily, and I think that’s a bad idea.

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I’m going to preface this by saying I am at my desk a lot and very rarely far away from a charging point, and my main devices are actually my Mac and iPad. Last week my iPhone averaged 32 mins screen time a day. So, my situation may not be replicable for most people.

For a few years now, I’ve stopped having a charging routine. I just charge it when it hits 20%. I’m on a new (few months) iPhone 14 Plus and the battery lasts a couple of days between charge. Mostly I end up charging it in the evening with an extra long cable I’ve run behind a sofa so I can still move around with it if I want to. I don’t use wireless charging. The environmental implications of wireless charging at this time are significant, to the point where I don’t know why more thoughtful countries haven’t moved to regulate it until efficiencies are improved.

Since it’s probably more useful to tell you how I charge my iPad, I have a cable at my desk and charge it in the morning while I’m on my Mac. I have to do that daily, and sometimes it gets an extra charge in late afternoon, also at my desk. This is also a longer cable so I can move the device around and use it while it’s charging if needed. I don’t know why anyone uses the standard short cable - long ones are life-changing!

I wear my watch (Series 5) at night, so that gets charged for maybe 30-40mins while I’m reading in bed at night, and then it gets another 15 mins or so each morning. I’ve found that’s usually enough. I start my day with about 80% charge most the time.

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What’s the status of your battery and for how long have you had it?

And War is Peace :wink: ….

Thanks for all the feedback. I can definitely tell from these, obviously anecdotal references, as some of you report 90% after two years on a 13 Mini while I’ve had mine for about 1,5 years and it’s 86%. I think as I mentioned before, I have some background processes sucking battery like 1Blocker. But I also experience that the phone just becomes pretty warm after extended use and the battery really goes low at the same time. Maybe I should cut down on the wireless MagSafe overnight charging

It is, more or less. I have 6 month checkups and keep my weight about 5 lbs either side of the number that seems to please my doctor. Congratulations on getting in, and staying in shape. That gets more difficult as we age and accumulate “wisdom” :grinning:.

I’m now around 35 years older and 30 pounds heavier from the one time I (barely) completed a full marathon. 10Ks were my preferred distance. But I’ve been managing a 4 or 5 mile walk a few times a week (weather permitting) since I hung up my running shoes.

I only weigh when my favorite belt starts to shrink.


As always, usage makes a big difference. If you have to charge twice a day (like my daughters) then your battery will degrade far quicker than someone who charges less than 50% every day (like me)

My iPhone 14 Pro Max battery is sitting at 97% after 1 year,


It is at 94% and i have had the phone nearly two years.


It’s not easy to gather any useful evidence for any charging strategy with these highly anecdotal references. But it’s certainly been a help. Thanks all

Some relevant crossposting here: Recs for portable MagSafe chargers? - #7 by geoffaire