Is anyone still reading RSS on the Mac? I’ve used Reeder for a long time, but it doesn’t seem to be getting much attention these days. Setapp has another app called Cappuccino, so I’m going to give that a try.
RSS feeds are probably my biggest way to consume content. Reeder on the Mac, iPad, and iPhone for me.
I use Readkit. It doesn’t get a lot of updates these days but still gets the job done well. It also supports Pinboard which is useful if you don’t want to use another Read-It-Later service.
I use Inoreader through the web interface.
Have to agree. I’ve used Inoreader for a long time and recommended it to others. There’s a free version that will give you a good taste of what it does. I use the premium (something like $24/year). There are also iOS and Android versions. Any changes you do to one version (starring, moving folders, adding feeds, etc.) are immediately reflected in the other appearances. For instance, I use the iPad to run through all the articles, starring any that I want to read fully later. Then I use the browser version to check all the stars I did in the iOS.
The iOS has a feature to read full articles, as well. Pull down and it loads the content locally. Go to the bottom and it will take you to the website through a browser.
Give it a try.
RSS is also my main source of news, blogs, etc. It’s so fast and the fact that I can choose which feeds to subscribe to is priceless.
I recently felt the need to avoid certain topics or words in my feed and looked around for options. I switched from Feedly to Inoreader which has a very reasonable fee and great filtering features which hide all the nonsense I don’t care to see.
I use Reeder on my iPhone, iPad and Mac to pipe through the Inoreader feeds. It’s a great combo.
I have no separate app to read RSS-feeds on the Mac, but i have a feedly Pro-subscription and read in Safari. On iPhone/iPad i use the same account in Reeder.
My rss provider is bazqux. Their web interface is useable but I confess I mostly use my iPad.
Reeder on all platforms for me. If I’m not at one of my own devices, I’ll use a browser to go directly to Feedbin, which is what I use as the back end. Reeder may not have received recent updates or new features, but it’s not broken for my use case so I’m not looking to fix it.
Yes, Feedly Pro as the service/back-end and Reeder (on macOS) or Unread (on iOS) as the front-end.
Reeder is pretty mature, that might be a reason it’s not getting many updates when there’s no OS/service update?
I would love to have Unread on macOS though…
I like Leaf, not saying it’s the greatest - It just works for me.
Thanks for the responses, everyone! Update on Cappuccino — it’s nice, but nowhere near Reeder’s capabilities at this time.
Next: What are your must-read feeds?
Feedly Pro, in a browser. It’s not sexy, but I use it every day and it works.
I’m using News Explorer. No backend service and syncs via iCloud.
I used Feedbin, which has an excellent browser reader that I am very happy with. On iOS, I use Unread (also thru Feedbin).
I use Reeder too, but I’m keeping a close eye on Evergreen. Soon as Brent adds sync (with FeedWrangler) it’ll be my main app.
Nice! I’m checking out Evergreen now.