Recommendations: audio recording for calls on a Mac

I’m planning to do a series of interviews for my website and would like to be able to record conversations on the Mac that includes my voice. Since I do these interviews in-person I have no idea what app to use. Should be able to work with any app like Skype, Zoom, Viber, Whatsapp, or Facebook Messenger calls.

Are they for broadcasting? Or for research purposes?

I think Audio Hijack from Rogue Amoeba is the gold standard here. It’s brilliant.


Right. I was going to suggest that but doesn’t Audio Hijack need an input application? (I only use it from Skype - for podcasting - so wouldn’t know if it comes with a voice recorder.)

Audio Hijack hijacks the audio of your apps and can record the inputs of a given app (say, your microphone into Skype) or several tracks separately (you microphone + the Skype outputs). I produce my own podcast like this and it works perfectly.


will use it as a transcribing tool and for reference to use for articles on a website.

thanks will check it. Hope I have the budget by next month.

It does seem like its the perfect app and I can use it for my podcast in a future episode. So I guess it would work on any of the apps I mentioned.

It captures the sound of any app on your Mac. I can only attest for Skype and a few legacy media players for converting very old music files, but there’s no reason why it shouldn’t work with any of the other apps you mentioned.


Right. But it might be all that is needed - if Audio Hijack contains a “microphone recording” start point.

See my original post: it records any stream as well as inputs. So yes, it does record your microphone, on a separate track or mixed with the rest in one global file. Check the tutorials, @ismh86 also did a good video explaining how he uses it.


I use Audio Hijack this way. It comes with a session built specifically for VOIP chat that works nicely.


Not exactly what you’re doing but I’m doing some video capture using OBS I ended up going free with iShowU. Instructions are here

I use Piezo
previously used Audio Hijack, but Piezo is much simpler


Cool it’s cheaper too.

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I agree here . I have used piezo in the past for this and works really well. I have also been looking at, for transcription, I think it needs to be able to ‘hear’ the conversation to transcribe live. I haven’t used it in anger yet, but I think you can upload your recording to get a transcription. Others may have a better idea.

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you might want to check out backtrack – it is great if you decide, right after the fact, to record a Webex, call, etc. right after you complete it.



Here’s the thread on transcribing

That thread took me on a trip down memory lane. Baristas Technolgies I used to use both copywrite and transcriva extensively, they unfortunately shut down at the beginning of this year.

I also used to use Audio Stretch for transcribing interviews. While designed for musicians I found it worked really well for audio, having the ability to slow down and backtrack by 15 secs.


As much as I would love to use a transcription service, it can be difficult as we often speak in a mix of English and Tagalog (our local dialect). It wouldn’t feel natural to ask an interviewee to be told to speak in English. It’s totally possible but always with a mix of a few Tagalog words throw in. We are mostly bilingual and consider English as our second language. A majority of people speaks 2-3 languages or dialect but most of us can communicate in English as compromise.