Reeder 5 is out

A very extensive review of Reeder 5:

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from the 4th image featuring Daring Fireball, I see that it parses footnotes as a link.

Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 11.28.40

can someone test if footnotes work well on Reeder 5? “Work well” as in it jumps to footnote content or use tooltip a la Bigfoot.JS, and still inside the application? Thanks!

The biggest deal of a RSS reader/backend service to me is that it can handle footnotes. Many application cannot handle footnotes except News Explorer and Feedbin AFAIK

Well, Reeder does follow the link to the URL using the integrated browser.

So, no it does not do it truly native within the interface.

Then again, technically a footnote is a link to a webpage. It might be as it was intentioned. But maybe not. :blush:

yaa, I guess the footnote handling can be considered a nice-to-have feature for most RSS Reader.

thank you for the information!

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With my mac now fetching RSS feds and putting them into iCloud for my other devices, I was really hoping for a way to also pre-load Reader view for my feeds, so that when I click on an article it is immediately available in Reader without any loading.

Previously I thought it would be just too heavy to download the full article in the background, but if I already have a “Reeder server” that pulls feeds, why not go the extra step?

One can dream

(I sent a feature request to the developer)

Fair point. I often fall behind, but I take read later as a pot to dip into, rather than an inbox to clear, so I haven’t yet felt the need to clear out a large amount of accumulated stuff. If I have an item that needs to be read as a priority, I’ll more likely log it as a reminder…


Nope, it does not work for me. It opens the homepage of the site in the browser, not even the footnote

Same here. Happy to support the developers where I can.

I got it for Mac, but I have some troubles with the layout (mostly, I do not know how to set it up) and internal browser. I was wondering if it possible to disable the internal browser completely. Whatever I do, every time I swipe right in the article view, I open the article in the original website. I set up the gesture for swipe right and give me bionic reading, but nothing.
I was also wondering if there is a way to use the gesture to switch from a full layout (showing feeds, list of unread and article) to the article view? There is tons of layout possibility but I cannot find anything about “full to article view”
Any ideas?

not sure if it’s what you’re asking, but in Preferences>General there’s a setting to open links in the in-app browser or in the system default browser

I have found a small nuisance that I dont really know if its some kind of issue: in iOS, the Share Menu from Safari does not include a Reeder 5 entry for quick adding the RSS feed.

I noticed that too. There’s also no shortcut action for adding feeds, so you can’t even build your own quick add shortcut.

I thought the coexisting 4 and 5 versiones botched the share menu actions in my case.

@ebarstad his can actually be solved using url scheme and Shortcuts. Just replace “http”/“https” in your website url with “reeder”, and it will search the url in Reeder.

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Thank you for the tip!

Actually… there is an action, if I’m reading your query correctly. To my discredit, I don’t actually know what separates the sharesheet actions that scroll as icons across the top of the sharesheet and the list of actions below them, but there it is in the list… You may need to scroll down, edit actions and enable your Reeder action if it’s not visible…

This is for the Read Later account, not adding subscription I believe.

True. Yet another reminder to self to not do forum things on no sleep… apologies! :sweat_smile:

Funny thing is that I use the same feature you noted for adding subscriptions, wrapped in a shortcut…