RSS readers (again). Your favorite?

I’m using NetNewsWire on Mac & iOS with Feedly as the sync engine and it works really well :slight_smile:


This post got me to venture out a bit. Been using Inoreader, but don’t really use all of it’s features. Gave Bazqux a try and I like it so far. Been an RSS junkie for years.

Reeder 5 is the iOS and macOS client of choice, works like a charm and looks good too!


I’ve been using Feedbin and Reeder 5 for the past couple of days. Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!


I just went through the change in RSS during my Covid boredom. I left Feedly Pro after years and moved to Feedbin and Reeder 5. Been enjoying them both for the last 2 months. I’m trying Reeder 5 iCloud sync this month just to compare. Probably won’t leave Feedbin but I’m always looking to cut a subscription.


I am the same. I dont know what it is about the subscription that doesnt sit well with me. Believe me, If I had a choice, I would pay upfront for a lifetime version even if its paying upfront for 5 years etc.


Hi @macsorcery ~ Where did you find the Fiery Feeds custom url share/action settings for DEVONthink PDF, Web and Markdown? Same with the OmniFocus url actions. Any pointers or examples would be greatly appreciated!


I use a mix of Feedly and Pocket. I am curious about your workflow @ryanjamurphy - how many PDFs are being created?

Maybe I am using Feedly wrong :joy: But I have about 30+ RSS Feeds in there.
2x a day - I go through all the Feedly articles (morning coffee and evening tea) and whatever I want to read or find interesting I save to Pocket for later reading during the day when kids are occupied. Sometimes, I don’t get it to the weekend.

Open up Pocket…go through 1 by 1, favorite and archive the ones I want to keep long term, or get rid of the rest.

Ideally, the workflow posted by @ryanjamurphy seems like a good idea for my use case, but just worried that would be overload of PDFs. :laughing:

Hi @schmidgall

For devonthink:

Help > Documentation > Automation > URL Commands

ex: x-devonthink://createPDF?location={article-url}&title={title}&paginated=No

for omnifocus:

ex: omnifocus:///add?project=ToBuy&name={title}&note={url}&autosave=true&x-success=fiery:///


Sorry for the delayed reply on this!

It’s probably hundreds of PDFs a day… but I use other smart rules to delete items on different timelines. MacRumors? Delete it in six hours. Scientific journal? Leave it for a week, see if I get to it.

Actually, I should’ve mentioned this aspect outright, as it’s probably the best part of this approach. I used to feel burdened by my feeds (and the need to get them to 0), but now they’re just streams I can tune into and out of when I have the space to do so.

Edit: The worst part of this system is that DEVONthink locks up when converting a lot of documents at once. In practice, this means it might take a couple seconds on first launch if it’s been a couple days. Not a huge loss of time—it’s just a little jarring that the conversion doesn’t run in the background. I’ve been meaning to submit a feature request to this effect…

are you speaking of the “OCR to readable pdf” problem? It’s a known AABBY bug and they are working on getting AABBY to fix it but apparently AABBY is slower than moles asses.

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Thanks! No, this happens when converting HTML to PDF—no OCR involved.

I’m so glad I spotted this, I hadn’t twigged I could use News Explorer for YouTube too (Fellow SetApp user here). I have a similar aversion to adverts…


that’s pretty much all I use NewsExplorer for, YouTube


Feedly as the back end: Free, syncs very well.
NetNewsWire (Mac): Superlight, fast, native, no-nonsense RSS reader. Love it.
Newsify (iOS): I like the article-like presentation on iPhone, very pleasant to read.
Pocket for read later on all devices.

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I am exactly the same. I always would prefer to pay once, even significantly more, to get a lifetime licence. I think it’s just psychological… :laughing:


+1 for Reeder plus Feedly

Many RSS feeds are well defined Google alerts (last Google service I still use, and which I am slowly moving over to Talkwalker)

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