!!! Wasn’t going to upgrade from my series 4, but now it is tempting.
Wow! Always on Apple Watch display with basically no rumors ahead of time.
Yeah. I didn’t see that one coming!
Always on. Holy moly!
Looks like I know what I’m getting myself for Xmas.
When was the last time we got a hardware feature this significant without hearing rumors ahead of time on any Apple platform?
The always on nature was what I missed most when I moved from my Pebble to my Apple Watch
Just lost sound for a bit. iPad beta issues or was that for everyone?
They’re really pushing the 100% recycled aluminum.
Me, too, and not on the beta
Wonder what the cost difference between Stainless and Titanium is going to be?
$199 for series 3 (presumably $169 or so for black friday type prices) is a pretty solid option
Didn’t the titanium PowerBook have conductivity problems due to the case?
No mention of the price points on Stainless, Titanium, and Ceramic.
A lot, even more, and surprisingly more probably!
I see there’s no price increase over the Series 4 for the aluminum models. I wonder what the trade-in value of the Series 4 will be?
Though if I replace any hardware other than the phone (assuming my payment on the upgrade program won’t change), it should be my laptop.
47 minutes into the “iPhone Event”, we get the first mention of the iPhone.
ok buying the apple watch,
now for my new iPhone
I feel like all my tech is so old I have no frame of reference, haha…