September 10th 2019 Apple Event Thread!

!!! Wasn’t going to upgrade from my series 4, but now it is tempting.

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Wow! Always on Apple Watch display with basically no rumors ahead of time.


Yeah. I didn’t see that one coming!

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Always on. Holy moly!

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Looks like I know what I’m getting myself for Xmas.


@Aaron_Antcliff Your wish has come true!

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When was the last time we got a hardware feature this significant without hearing rumors ahead of time on any Apple platform?

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The always on nature was what I missed most when I moved from my Pebble to my Apple Watch


Just lost sound for a bit. iPad beta issues or was that for everyone?

They’re really pushing the 100% recycled aluminum.

Me, too, and not on the beta

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Wonder what the cost difference between Stainless and Titanium is going to be?

$199 for series 3 (presumably $169 or so for black friday type prices) is a pretty solid option

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Didn’t the titanium PowerBook have conductivity problems due to the case?

No mention of the price points on Stainless, Titanium, and Ceramic.

A lot, even more, and surprisingly more probably!

I see there’s no price increase over the Series 4 for the aluminum models. I wonder what the trade-in value of the Series 4 will be?

Though if I replace any hardware other than the phone (assuming my payment on the upgrade program won’t change), it should be my laptop.

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47 minutes into the “iPhone Event”, we get the first mention of the iPhone. :grinning:

ok buying the apple watch,

now for my new iPhone

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I feel like all my tech is so old I have no frame of reference, haha…

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