So today I wanted to measure the time it takes for the Mac to turn on before the scheduled wake-up time and so I pressed a key just after 7 o’clock and … after 10 seconds the login screen was here.
So I checked the system.log (thanks for the suggestion!) to see if it went to sleep at all. As you saw above, it is set to sleep at 0:30 every day. Here is the log around that time:
Mar 9 00:26:57 Christophs-Mac-mini[1] ([2832]): Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[101]
Mar 9 00:45:00 Christophs-Mac-mini syslogd[71]: ASL Sender Statistics
Mar 9 00:45:00 Christophs-Mac-mini syncdefaultsd[2839]: objc[2839]: Class SYDClient is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SyncedDefaults.framework/Versions/A/SyncedDefaults and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SyncedDefaults.framework/Support/syncdefaultsd. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 9 00:45:00 Christophs-Mac-mini syncdefaultsd[2839]: objc[2839]: Class SYDJournal is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SyncedDefaults.framework/Versions/A/SyncedDefaults and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SyncedDefaults.framework/Support/syncdefaultsd. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 9 00:45:00 Christophs-Mac-mini[1] ([2828]): Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[101]
Not sure what that means. Does it mean it didn’t go to sleep or that it just doesn’t log going to sleep? My assumption is that the it wouldn’t log anything while sleeping and since the log is full with stuff the whole night (mostly the kinds of SIGKILL messages like at 00:26:57), I guess it did not go to sleep and hence it “woke up” so quickly.
Here are is what was logged when I pressed a key at 7:10
Mar 9 06:55:16 Christophs-Mac-mini Microsoft Edge Helper[691]: Libnotify: notify_register_coalesced_registration failed with code 9 on line 2835
Mar 9 06:55:22 Christophs-Mac-mini[1] ([5913]): Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[101]
Mar 9 07:10:03 Christophs-Mac-mini syslogd[71]: ASL Sender Statistics
Mar 9 07:10:04 Christophs-Mac-mini[1] ([5924]): Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[101]
Mar 9 07:10:05 Christophs-Mac-mini[1] ([5922]): Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[101]
Mar 9 07:10:05 Christophs-Mac-mini[1] ([5923]): Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[101]
Mar 9 07:10:06 Christophs-Mac-mini Teams[528]: getattrlist failed for /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources//GLRendererFloat.bundle/GLRendererFloat: #2: No such file or directory
Mar 9 07:10:06 Christophs-Mac-mini Obsidian[532]: getattrlist failed for /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources//GLRendererFloat.bundle/GLRendererFloat: #2: No such file or directory
Mar 9 07:10:06 Christophs-Mac-mini Loom[778]: getattrlist failed for /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources//GLRendererFloat.bundle/GLRendererFloat: #2: No such file or directory
Mar 9 07:10:06 Christophs-Mac-mini[1]: Coalition Cache Evicted: app<> [551]
Mar 9 07:10:06 Christophs-Mac-mini Microsoft Edge[505]: getattrlist failed for /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources//GLRendererFloat.bundle/GLRendererFloat: #2: No such file or directory
Mar 9 07:10:07 Christophs-Mac-mini efilogin-helper[5936]: objc[5936]: Class EFILWLogging is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/EFILogin.framework/Versions/A/EFILogin and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/EFILogin.framework/Versions/A/Resources/efilogin-helper. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 9 07:10:09 Christophs-Mac-mini efilogin-helper[5936]: objc[5936]: Class EFILWLogging is implemented in both ?? (0x209134c20) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/EFILogin.framework/Versions/A/Resources/EFIResourceBuilder.bundle/Contents/MacOS/EFIResourceBuilder (0x100146b58). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
From what I understand, this is just various apps trying to use OpenGL for rendering but OpenGL is not supported on M1 macs, so it fails. Don’t believe this is a problem. So the main point here seems to be that my keypress just initiated graphics rendering, nothing else, so it wasn’t asleep.
I tried to look at yesterday’s logs (where wake up was much slower), but couldn’t find it on the console. Apparently it only shows the current day’s logs starting at midnight.
I think, however, that the main reason for the difference between yesterday and today is that I had a system crash last night, so the system rebooted, which probably changed which processor were or were not running. I’m not sure, though, whether it fixed or broke something, because although I’m happy about the fast wake-up, it’s clearly not doing what it’s supposed to do. It looks more like the wake-up problem being solved by something breaking the going-to-sleep routine…
That is a good point. It is indeed connected to a smart socket (showing me that I’m saving significant amounts of electricity every day, compared to my Windows machine, it’s insane how little energy the M1 needs!) but it does log on and off events and there are none. Also, wouldn’t I notice upon login that the system has rebooted? I have learned that MacOS is good at reopening all the apps that were open when the system was shut down, but it does not seem to arrange the windows the same way so that you know there was a reboot, right? In that case, we can rule out the smart socket as a source of error because all my windows were exactly where they were the evening before.
Well, I get the idea, but there are still some settings on MacOS, so I cannot let it do it’s thing there. Whatever I choose there is “my thing”. But I assume you’re also suggesting I should just let everything on default settings?
Well, I was going to do that from the start (throwing myself into the Apple world as I was) but was triggered to look at power saving settings precisely for the reasons I’m describing here: the thing kept going to sleep (or whatever it was doing when the screen turned black) and it took way too long to wake up again, so I started to extend the time for the screen to go off and to tell it not to sleep when screen goes off.
My wanting to be in control and understand is the reason I’ve been on Windows for so long and never even considered switching. But I’m realising something here: in the Apple world, the idea is not necessarily that the user doesn’t want to be in control (who doesn’t?) but that the OS is designed to prevent even the urge of being in control from arising (e.g. by guessing what the user wants and doing it or by nudging the user into wanting as the OS wants), I get the idea. The problem seems to be that when that approach fails, there is hardly anything the user can do, at least on the GUI, because so many settings have been removed/hidden away and it just does its own thing without even telling you what it’s doing. It will take me some time to get used to that.