I have an Elgato Stream Deck connected to my iMac and am running into a little issue with its display.
My Energy Saver Computer Sleep setting is currently set to “Never” (Display sleep is 1 hour, screen saver kicks in after 20 minutes).
When the display goes to sleep, the Stream Deck panel lights up and shows the default screen (the Stream Deck logo displayed across the 15 buttons of the device). I’m worried about it ruining the displays in the device and so I unplug it every night.
I have the same problem - from a different angle: Light pollution from my home office.
I have the StreamDecks (Mini plus Regular) on a powered USB hub but even powering the hub off - using a remote smart switch and my iPhone - doesn’t avoid the logo problem.
I had hoped there was a way (on a MacBook Pro) to power down USB ports but there doesn’t seem to be. (Anyone know of a way?)
So I take the StreamDecks and place them face down on the desk the last thing I do at night. This, of course, doesn’t assuage your worry.
Like you, I really wish Elgato now Corsair would fix this. In the meantime I wonder if there’s a hacker solution.
Just stumbled upon this topic. The good news is that there is a “hacker solution”. The bad thing is that this solution won’t work with the official Stream Deck software from Elgato. So you have to basically create everything from scratch. No drag and drop, but code.
The solution I’m talking about is Hammerspoon. HS has Stream Deck support and can watch all kinds of system events, including display and sysem sleep. Apart from that, you could even create a timer to switch off you Stream Deck - in software - at given times. The sky is the limit basically.
That being said, it’s not the easiest road and (some) scripting and/or programming knowledge is definitely a must as everything is done in a language called LUA.
That I don’t know. Only know that the Hammerspoon devs state that it only works if the official SD app is not running. I only have one SD mini, so can’t help you with testing.
I have my SD now configured that it will turn black if either my Mac goes to sleep or shuts down.
ICYMI - I’m not sure when they added this, but the Stream Deck app now has a “Sleep Timer” which will turn off your Stream Deck’s screen after 5 minutes - 2 hours:
Hi, Just got a Stream Deck today and am wondering if the introduction of the sleep timer really works.
I notice that the timer does turn off the Stream Deck while I am using the computer. BUT, if I simply put my iMac display to sleep, the default Elgato logo appears but does not appear to time out in the same way, and when I return some hours later the Stream Deck is still displaying the default logo.
As I run my iMac constantly and simply put my display to sleep this is potentially a big issue for me.
Thank you. I thought being up to date with the app would keep me in good shape. I’ll have to investigate whether I’m also up to date with the firmware.
I’m having a similar problem, with the added wrinkle that it’s connected to a CalDigit TS3 Plus. If I use one of the unswitched USB ports, it just stays on with the Stream Deck logo. If I use the switched USB port, it flickers off and on every few seconds. I’ve updated the firmware on both devices. The only thing I can think to do is get a USB cable/hub with a power switch, but I’m not sure that will work well. Has anyone gotten it to work with the CalDigit dock?
You might have hit on something here: My StreamDecks are plugged in via a powered USB hub. I’m not about to switch it off - so the 'face down" low tech solution is probably still my best bet.
My 32-button Stream Deck has a firmware of 1.00.007. I believe that if there is a firmware update available, it will appear next to the “Firmware Version” in the Preferences » General in the Stream Deck app.
I have my Stream Deck connected to a CalDigit hub, and it works fine. I have mine set to “Sleep after: Never” and it does stay at the Stream Deck logo when my Mac is asleep, but I assumed that was because I told it not to sleep.
So I found this utility that lets you control the power to ports of USB hubs. I hooked it up to KeyboardMaestro, and it does work, but it turns back on as soon as I disconnect my computer. I’m not sure if that’s specific to my hub, so I’m going to buy a couple others to try.
FWIW - the Stream Deck app v 4.9.3 now has a ’sleep’ button for the Stream Deck.
I made a “Multi-Action” button which does:
open /System/Library/CoreServices/ScreenSaverEngine.app
Sleep Stream Deck
and it starts my Mac ScreenSaver and my Stream Deck screensaver. (Note that the order appears to be important: sleep the Mac first, then the Stream Deck)
I found this TP-Link smart plug (other models should work as well) for which people have reverse-engineered the network protocol. This means that the switch can be controlled by a shell script! I plugged the Stream Deck into a powered USB hub, which I plugged into the smart plug. Then I made Keyboard Maestro macros to switch the plug on when I connect to the CalDigit dock and off when I disconnect from it. So far, it’s working great!
I have a keyboard maestro macro triggered by stream deck that locks my Mac. Ideally my screen would then go black but I’ve noticed perhaps with a recent Big Sur update that the desktop image remains on the screen instead. I therefore added a 0.5 second delay and an escape keypress to the macro and now the display blacks out as well.
When the Mac locks, the stream deck immediately goes into logo mode. I would like it to also “sleep” the stream deck at the same time as the logo glow is somewhat annoying. Is there a way to send a sleep command to the stream deck from Keyboard Maestro? I can add a sleep button to the stream deck, basically I want Keyboard Maestro to press that button for me as part of the macro - or better still just tell it to sleep.
Ideally there would be a 5th stream deck control action in Keyboard Maestro called “Put Stream Deck to Sleep” but we haven’t got that option. Is it possible?
Update: Seems that locking a Mac inhibits the USB ports, which is why the Stream Deck goes into logo mode. In this case it would therefore be impossible to tell it to do anything. If I manually sleep the Stream Deck prior to locking my Mac, it still goes to logo mode. Only way to make it go dark is to unplug it - unless anyone has any other ideas.