The pain of WWDC recaps on every podcast

Generally yes. Whilst I work in IT, I’ve only dabbled in Swift and made the equivalent of ‘hello world’, however I do enjoy some of the technical discussions and subscribe to Under the Radar for this reason.

Totally agree! Marco is ATP for me. Liss and Siracusa are good too, but lately I feel the latter is winging it just based on unresearched conjecture — which I wouldn’t have expected of them (and the other has really grown on me, so it’s a wash overall).

Still, Marco makes the show for me. Perhaps I should be tuning into Under the Radar too?

While on-topic, ATP is the main WWDC recap I listened to and skipped the rest. I really appreciated Sparks’ video demos and posts on the new features, but that’s not from the MPU podcast.
The Vergecast used to be my preferred tech podcast, back from the TIMN days, but they’ve changed directions for a while now. It’s more a tech culture and comedy podcast now—but I still tune in for Nilay (while Dieter’s become too YouTuber for me, sadly.).

Don’t you listen to the theme song? John’s not allowed to do any research.


As an IBMer of a certain vintage, I was pleased to hear from Casey about his Dad using PROFS on a dial up. :slight_smile:


I hear that the other hosts won’t let him, really tragic



Didn’t he say that he did some to prep for one item on this week’s show?

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No IBMers here, but my father worked at GE and I heard about PROFS through a lot of my childhood.

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Dial up takes me back. My brother was the first of us to WFH. He showed up one day with a green screen terminal and 300 baud acoustic modem. Really cutting edge stuff. :grinning:


Would you settle for a Ruger and 22LR ammo? :grin:
Ruger Single 10 Revolver

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Yes and Yes. But the modifications need to be realistic too.


Ammo is really expensive right now because it is in short supply!


That’s why I know how to reload :wink:

PS although I don’tknow anyone who reloads 22

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Fortunately I have plenty of rounds for the range. Finding defense rounds has been harder but I don’t use those for practice. :grinning: I don’t do my own reloading, though perhaps I should.

Same here. I like cars. But I get car info from car experts. On a tech podcast, I am absolutely disinterested in rims, cooking stories, etc. I feel my time is being wasted and just press “forward”.

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I’m not really a car person but I enjoy their car talk - especially with the interplay of perspectives. And the infamous “wheel of shame” items were quite funny to me.


What about the S&W Model 617?

It’s kind of ironic that complaints about podcasts digressions have led us to a discussion of guns on a WWDC thread.


We tried to replicate the feeling when listening to a podcast and hearing car rim stories. :smiley:


For awhile back in the late 80s I dialed in to old BBS systems with a 300 baud acoustic coupler and a teletype. It was…surreal. :smiley:

I’d gotten a couple HUGE boxes of pin-feed paper along with the teletype for free, so I was enjoying playing around. Next update was a legit VT100 terminal (green screen) with a genuine Hayes 1200 baud modem. Not a “Hayes compatible”, actual Hayes. Again acquired for free or super cheap from some hobbyists that were cleaning out their garage. :smiley:

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Right. For example, old westerns. Any “cowboy guns” that shoot 10 rounds would be huge. I’m imagining how big a cylinder for .45 LC would have to be. :slight_smile:

Point granted, although that raises the equally-interesting question of how many people in cowboy / action movies have landed on .22LR as their firearm of choice for dealing with bad guys. And why. :slight_smile: