The perfect note taking app., relationships, sex, marriage, and divorce

I like Apple Notes as well, it does most of what I need with very little extra crap. I find it very frustrating how difficult Apple makes it to get data out of Notes.

Fortunately I found Exporter a little while ago which exports your Notes as markdown with a folder hierarchy which matches your folder setup in Notes.

It has a couple gotchas (main ones for me is that you lose hypertext links and it only export image attachments) but if you can live with those, then it’s pretty great.

To keep it vaguely tethered to reality :slight_smile: we (IBM not HAL) announced an ES/9000 machine many years ago. :slight_smile:

Thanks, I’ll check that out.

Indeed and I presume that Watson is a binary relative of Hal. :slight_smile:

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Simple Substitution cipher
plain text I cipher text H
plain text B cipher text A
plain text M cipher text L


Fun urban legend, but debunked.



I’ll try to find it but there was an article from when the movie came out where Arthur C. Clarke did say that IBM was the inspiration for HAL because of all the help IBM gave including some demos of their latest computers. If I recall it was in an interview in one of the SF magazines, Astounding or Amazing Stories or something.

You are correct that the story changed later.


I’d like to see it. Aside from there being no legal or otherwise reason to change the story, one would think that any previous contrary claims would have quickly bubbled up at the time, or else have been noted later on.

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