This is how Apple got to be a trillion dollar company

I had to take the MacBook Air into the Apple Store Saturday because it was failing to wake up and power up most of the time. To switch the machine on, or wake it up from sleep when the lid was closed, I had to tap the power button repeatedly, and sometimes literally turn the computer upside down.

Clearly this was a situation that needed repair sooner rather than later. I used the machine a few days without switching it off, just left it running in my home office, which is what I do when I’m home anyway. Then on Saturday I packed the machine off to the Apple Store for repairs.

The guy at the Genius Bar told me that they had to send the MacBook Air into the shop to be repaired. This was not what I expected – I had visualized dropping the machine off, having a lovely lunch with my Ever Lovin Wife, who had accompanied me to the mall because she knows better than to allow me into an Apple Store unsupervised. And then after lunch I’d pick up the machine. At least that’s what I’d visualized. However, my backups were all up-to-date at home, so I reluctantly said goodbye to the MBA and we had the lunch anyway.

After lunch, I returned to the Apple Store and did what knowledgable Apple users do when the one and only machine they use for work is being repaired. Apple offers a 14-day no-questions-asked return policy. So I bought myself a nice new MacBook Pro, planning to return it when the MacBook Air was back from repairs.

And now it’s two days later. I did some work using the MacBook Pro Sunday, and today of course has been a full workday.

And I have decided to keep the MacBook Pro. It’s much, much faster than my three-year-old MacBook Air. And the display is very nice indeed.

My decision will surprise no one who actually knows me.

So this has been an expensive last few days.


You forgot the Apple Store Mantra “Never touch anything here if you don’t want to have to own it” :joy:

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