I love mine.
As was repeatedly pointed out, it’s not an iPad, so if one wants an iPad, they shouldn’t buy a Remarkable, and vice-versa. 
Remarkable serves a different purpose. Comparing Remarkable and iPad is like comparing a notebook and a TV.
Unlike this iPad I’m using now, the Remarkable is distraction free. There’s no email, or internet, or messages waiting to distract you away. There also aren’t any notifications, no lights, no sounds. It’s like a notebook.
It’s become my go to place to make all kinds of notes. I grab it, open a Quick Sheet, and jot down whatever I need to make note of. If the notes are of consequence, I can type them into my contact manager, etc.
I also use it to make notes while I’m studying something. I rewrite the notes into my note taking app of choice. This gives me the opportunity to revisit and think about them again.
I also use it to read books that I’ve processed through Calibre. I can highlight, write notes, draw diagrams, add pages, etc. If/when I want to store those notes away, same workflow as above - I type them into my note taking app.
I never liked my Kindle Oasis because it’s not the size of an average page. More of a small board book size. The Remarkable accommodates a full page easily - either from books or research articles. Sometimes I save web pages as PDFs if I want to deeply study them on my Remarkable.
The pen works well. I got the one with the eraser. One of the nice things you can do is drawing a box around something you’ve written or drawn, and you can move it around, copy, rotate, or delete it. Something you always needed when working on paper.
Battery lasts forever. Charging is an afterthought, rather than a burden.
The fact that the screen refresh isn’t 120Hz like an iPad doesn’t matter. It’s a different animal. It’s like saying your book isn’t fast enough.