Current paying about USD 10 a month for Setapp on 2 Macs.
Made a list of what apps are essential for me.
Already bought some in the past:
- Paste (MAS)
– when updates stop working, buy PastePal - Your next favorite pasteboard manager. - Default Folder X (direct)
- SnippetsLab (MAS)
- Path Finder (direct, v9)
- Yoink (MAS)
- BTT (direct)
- PixelSnap (direct)
- NotePlan 3 (MAS)
And the rest:
- Downie + Permute = USD 26.99
Downie - YouTube Video Downloader for macOS - Charlie Monroe Software - Trickster
- AUD 46.99 @ MAS: Trickster on the Mac App Store
– USD 29.99 direct @ Trickster - Your recently used files, at your fingertips!
- AUD 46.99 @ MAS: Trickster on the Mac App Store
- Bartender 4 (have v2)
– Upgrade price: $11.65 AUD - CleanShot X
– $29 per Mac
– $49 for 2 Macs
– Renewal at $19 per year
– Have 20% discount as PixelSnap customer (not sure if this applies on renewals)
Does anyone know if Downie + Permute and Trickster are truly one-time payments with no further payments needed for major version upgrades?