Reviving this since another thread got me thinking about how much value I get from SetApp and what apps you all find indispensable.
I use (every day / very often):
- 2Do
- Bartender
- BetterTouchTool
*CleanShot X - Downie
- Luminar
- MindNode
- Paste
- Sip
I occasionally use:
- Capto
- CleanMyMac X
- Cloud Outliner
- CloudMounter
- Coherence X
- Folx
- ForkLift
- Gemini
- Glyphfinder
- IBoysoft NTFS
- iStat Menus
- Marked
- Meta
- PDF Pen
- Prizmo
- Screens
- SQLPro for SQLite
- Typeface
- Ulysses
And now, thanks to the talk in the other thread and my scan of the app list for this one, I want to try out several, including NotePlan.