Tweetbot 6 for Twitter

Is it now possible to set up more precise mute filters, such as

mute tweets of @userA that are retweets of @userB


mute tweets in list Z that contain links to


mute tweets of @userC that contain links to

In Tweetbot 5 the mute filters were very basic.

Their website is practically useless at this point and the app’s description in the AppStore to shallow.

Thanks a lot!

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Has Tweetbot introduced an easy way to view threads? I’m not talking about a tweet and replies to the tweet, but a thread where one user posts a series of related tweets, in one “thread.” I LOVED Tweetbot for many years, but switched to Twitterrific because either this feature wasn’t in Tweetbot, or I was too dense to find it. If it had it, I’d probably switch back.

I swiped from right to left on a thread and it seemed to work just fine. (Disclaimer: I searched for “a thread” and tried the first result.)


This may be an unpopular opinion but I’m really liking the new version.


I find this quite hit and miss though. Most of the time it works perfectly, but other times it doesn’t work at all.

I’ll keep a look out. What does not working look like?

There’s obviously a thread (e.g. 1/15 or /1 in the tweet), but when you swipe, it only shows replies to the original tweet, it doesn’t show you the author’s follow up tweets


I see the same, but I have always assumed it’s down to how the tweeter accomplished it. It may be down to the client they are using.

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I found it hit or miss, too, whereas when you go into the discussion in Twitterific, you can choose to see replies, or see the thread. I otherwise prefer Tweetbot, but that was enough to get me to switch.

I’ve purchased at least three versions of Tweetbot so far and, while I’m not a fan of subscriptions, didn’t hesitate to upgrade to v6.

OTOH, I’m finding less to like about Twitter every day, so my continued use of it is by no means certain.

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I am a Twitterrific user myself, also since day 1 and when they went subscription model, I subbed as well. The same $1/month sub allows me to also use the Mac App Store version as well as the Universal iPad version, so it’s a no brainer for me. Also, I like the Twitterrific and Iconfactory team. They seemed to be very down to earth (at least from their tweets) and pleasant people.

Tweetbot’s Paul Haddard, though, does not seem like a nice guy. He can be quite arrogant at times and while his Tweetbot does look good and beautiful, I’m more willing to support the Twitterrific guys. I am, however, surprised at the popularity of Tweetbot in Apple-verse.

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Well 6.0.1 just came out. Admittedly it’s just a bug fix or several. But at least it shows they don’t think they’re done with 6.0 - so this is mildly encouraging.

Would look bad if they were done with version 6 after a week of its release :laughing:

BTW, I asked about the Mac app and this was the reply.

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Maybe they can then decide whether to SwiftUI or Catalyst it.

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Might be hard. I believe they still use Objective-C instead of Swift?

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Is the subscription iOS only or does it link to the macOS version also?

The Mac version is standalone.