Using a second screen and Moom

i have had a few emails asking about window management for 2 large screens. I have used the Spaces option to “Displays have separate spaces” allowing me to have the menu options relevant to the screen I am on. The two screens are adjacent to each other with one directly in front of me (and can be swivelled for a client) and the other to the left.


I have a default set up stored in Moom. In my case, this is email and Safari on my main screen leaving a small area of the desktop so I can see what is on the Desktop (which is never much)


on the second screen, I have Busycal, Messages, Omnifocus and Notes


When I am working, i can glance at any of the things on the second screen or drag them across to be directly in front of me if I am using the app.

A lot of the time, I have Adobe Bridge on my main screen, but as soon as this is minimised, my default view is back.


While working, things get moved around but it is one click or keyboard shortcut to put everything back in place. i have a few different set ups but tend to only use one set up.


As previously explained when I have clients, I switch to a mirrored view and turn one of the screens to the client and I use the other to navigate.

There may be better ways to use windows (and I would be delighted to get suggestions) but this works well.


Thanks for sharing this. I have been using Moom for a long time but have never used anything but snap left/ right. Your setup has inspired me to dig in and start setting up some custom scenes!


I like Moom for creating custom workspaces.

I use one shortcut for when I’m at work and plugged into a 27” monitor and typically use work apps, and another for home using the built in 13” Air screen and typically non-work apps.

I also use spaces. Email, messages, Reeder on one space, next space is full screen fantastical, next screen is work apps (non full screen). The different desktops let me separate work and non-work, and having my calendar full screen in the middle acts like a mental barrier between the two, and one swipe away when I need it.



Sorry for the delay in replying. I use Moom snapshots with keyboard shortcuts to achieve exactly what you want. I do not use Spaces and I simply create what I want and save as a Snapshot and I have several now for different set ups - Macbook only, and with 1 38 inch, and then with 2 x 38 inch without the Macbook.

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hi! actually @thealbs 's question was about Mooming apps to different spaces (desktops)! If you use only 1 space on each display (for ex. 1 space on MBP display, 1 space on external monitor 1 and 1 space on external monitor 2) there is no surprise you don’t face any problem with Mooming apps. But if you make several spaces on one of the displays (or each of them) you’ll see that you can Moom apps only to the first space of each display. And vice versa if you disconnect external displays from Mac all the running apps would get on the first space of Mac internal display and there is nothing you can do with it due to Apple restrictions.
I still wonder if there are any snapping tools that can finally get around this issue. Going to check BetterTouchTool capabilities in terms of snapping windows…

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It is possible to have apps open in specific spaces and have Moom then adjust the window position in each space.

First I open each app in the desired space and then right click on the app’s icon in the Dock and use the option to assign it to that space.

Then I open the apps and windows in a space, configure as I want them across my three displays and save a Moom snapshot. I set a keyboard shortcut for each snapshot. I do this for each space.

Then I use Bunch to open sets of apps and windows, using keyboard shortcuts to select spaces and experimenting with delays to make sure windows open in the correct space. And then invoke Moom view the keyboard shortcut to arrange the windows.

It takes a bit of prep and experimenting in Bunch but I’ve now got several different contexts I can invoke with with a couple of clicks or keystrokes.


I’m trying to figure out whether the following is possible with Moom (or any other app, for that matter) in a multi-desktop and dual-monitor setup:

  1. I’d like to move a window to another desktop that is not visible at the moment.
  2. I’d like to select the window to be moved programatically (e.g. by window title or application)
  3. I’d even like to select windows that are not currently visible (either because they are hidden, minimised or on a different desktop)

One use case would be when there are a lot of windows on a single desktop (aka a mess) - this can happen, for example, when displays are disconnected - and I want to send each window to its respective space. From what I understand, this is completely possible as long as I want to tidy up the mess on my currently visible desktops and keep them on these desktops. But is this where it ends or can I do more?

This is possible with Better Touch Tool. See: POWER USER TIPS FOR MANAGING SPACES (MACSPARKY LABS). This requires that the window be selected.

I do not know a way to accomplish 2 or 3 from your list. I’ve not come across a window management tool that can work across spaces/desktops. It would sure be nice if Apple provided a mechanism to allow this.

What I do is for my use cases, which are to initialize a working context, is to first move to a space/desktop and then open the windows. This is done with Bunch. Then I have Moom arrange the windows. This post provides an example: March 2022 Software of the Month Club: Bunch - #2 by MevetS

Hope this Helps.