Web browser fingerprinting

You can see how your current browser is fingerprinted by visiting https://fingerprintjs.com/demo.

Brave is starting to roll out sophisticated fingerprinting protection, beginning in its nightly builds. They claim it has the “strongest fingerprinting protections of any popular browser”. They published a blog post about their fingerprinting protection, how it differs from what’s in other browsers, and why it’s so difficult to do, here:


Well, looks like Apple is doing great work with Safari’s privacy then - the website told me I was fingerprinted in the exact same location I was in at the moment I run it, while I was… 18,000 kms away at the time.

And yet you remain fingerprinted. Fingerprinting details include data points such as the operating system details, browser type & version, hardware rig specifications, a list of installed fonts, details about the size & resolution, and more. Web API measurements include the results of scripts that advertisers or analytics firms secretly run on a user’s browser. For example, they can measure how a browser renders various elements via canvas drawing, via WebGL, how quick a browser generates sound via the Audio API, and more.

The link above explains that Brave implementing in its beta buids a feature that will randomize its “fingerprint” every time a user visits a website, which goes beyond what Safari is doing.