What Fine Apps Are You Drifting Away From?

It is. But if you use the app several hours a day, and it makes your work easier and you earn your money with it, that’s relative.

$199 is expensive for a professional development tool? If I am a PHP developer, use it 200 days a year for an average of 3 hours=600 hours per year. That’s 33 cents per hour. Now, as a developer, how much do you charge per hour?

How much would you pay for professional tools? 19.99?

I use SPSS and get billed ~3000 per year. Do you want to know you much I shell out for Oracle licenses, production software, SAP, etc.?

But for a lot of stuff there are free alternatives out there, if you consider 199 too much.


It’s expensive for a text processor, which is what I used BBEdit as for many years. OP went to it from BBEdit, hence my comment. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you just want to edit text, BBEdit is too expensive. Atom is free and more powerful.

Atom is dog slow, can’t match BBEdit’s GREP, can’t stand it. And I’ve used BBEdit since it was free, in the 90s.

Interesting. I consider Atom’s regex functionalty as very advanced. Any example of what you can do in BBEdit you can’t do in Atom?

I’ve been drifting away from Microsoft Office for years, maybe decades.

I’ll be jerked away from a number of Fine Apps when Snow Mojave comes out next year, thanks to no 32 bit support. Known losses:

  1. Everything Adobe (most is CS5)
  2. Microsoft Office 2011
  3. Aperture and plugins I’ve purchased.
  4. Lugaru Epsilon editor.

Probably more. Will report back next Summer.

What a list. You’re one of the reasons devs switched to subscriptions, Tom! :rofl:

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The gains from the new OS could be very small, so you might not find it worthwhile to install it (the advantage of non-subscription: buy once and keep forever as long as you don’t need updates).

I’m holding out for “Death Valley” myself.

I have a bunch of 32-bit games that I bought and installed with the full intention of enjoying them over an extended period. Most are Telltale Games series. Between their going under, my playing fewer games these days, and the loss of 32 bit support I’ll be looking at doing a lot of uninstalling.

My version of Aperture (3.6) is 64-bit. Is it plugins that force 32-bit?

Lugaru Epsilon? Wow. That’s been a while for me. I probably still have floppies for some versions of that editor. That one’s been around even longer than BBEdit.

Aperture has been 64-bit since 2010.

I‘m drifting away from Office as well, but the tide pulls me back in all the time.

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I’ve got 32 bit plugins, and newest versions (64 bit) don’t support Aperture.

I’ve been an Epsilon customer since the 1980’s, and have bought every new version over that time, but it’s been some years since the last major upgrade so I’m not holding my breath.

Microsoft Office. Since buying iPad Pro, I have made a determined effort to use iWorks apps vs Office. IWorks growing on me and I like the integration between devices including my riMac. Still have to fight muscle memory when using Numbers as I’ve used Excel since version 1.0. But, so far, so good.

I cannot give up Evernote, even though I also use DevonThinkPro . . .and Papers. . And Pocket :slight_smile:

Pocket is my first stage of saving articles. I move to Evernote (my personal encyclopedia of tidbits of information, keep medical records, etc). DevonThinkPro is for reference of less ‘scholarly’ articles but with good information. Papers is where I keep research articles. I like them all and get anxious when I think about giving up one or the other. It works for me.

The entire MS Office suite.

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Wolfie, Scrivener told me that the reason was due to Apple.

I recently had to return my iPad to Apple because Siri wasn’t working. I took screenshots of my writing. When I got my trusty iPad returned and my apps were downloaded from the Cloud, voila, Scrivener was all there.

In all fairness, I should note that I’m not a professional writer but I have enough writing in there that I was worried. You might want to contact either AppleCare or Scrivener or I’d contact both. I’m sure they wouldn’t want to be liable but they might be able to give you some insight.

I had a similar problem with Things. I couldn’t get it downloaded at all. Their tech support was wonderful but we got nowhere. I finally called AppleCare and they solved it immediately!

Hope that helps!

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Retired now but the last time I was rewriting my resume, about 10 years ago, I distributed it as a PDF, which to me makes a whole lot of sense, but places rejected it because it had to be in Microsoft Word format! Ugh!

Don’t you find that going to picket first, and then another app later I’d too much work? It seems like having a staging area would make it easy to end up with another “junk bin”.

There is an aspect of that, true. I have an OF task for curating Pocket and Evernote every month. I end up deleting a fair amount before it goes into one of the other buckets.