What Fine Apps Are You Drifting Away From?

Difficult without MS Office. I’d dump it, but:

  • a lot of stuff is sent in office formats (OK, a lot of Word and PowerPoint docments can be done or exported from LibreOffice, “iWork”, or else, but no all)
  • no real alternative to Excel for a lot of stuff
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Last year I switched from PowerPoint to Keynote and I couldn’t be happier.

Like you, I have no choice but to use Excel and Word - they’re needed for collaboration with colleagues.

There is not a real Excel alternative, especially in my case teaching non-data science undergraduate statistics classes (I use R and Python for data science students, but there’s no way this would work for business students).

I still need Word for collaborating on research papers, and the citation integration is the best I’ve used. However, I have a long-standing hate for its interface.

Now I need to defend business students! :slight_smile: I co-supervise(d) several thesis at the Vienna University of Business Administration and Economics where R is/was used. And not only is one of the main developers (Hornik), who taught me statistics, there, he is the maintainer of CRAN. And the R Foundation is located there. So business and R…are friends! :slight_smile:

As for Excel: Numbers is just a toy. LibreOffice is pretty good, but Excel is king of spreadsheets. I also don’t see Word going away in my (coprorate) usage. I use Keynote but there is stuff PowerPoint can do way better (Plot.ly integration, poll integration, HTML embedding…) which makes me use both.


Just a shout out for Google Sheets, which tends to get overlooked: it has some fantastic functionality and scripting behind it, so in places it beats Excel, in others it is lacking.

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Haha, yes I know it would be possible, I also teach the same students Java, but adding R would make them hate me so much as they really struggle with Java!

Amazingly, they really need Excel because most of them have only ever used Google Sheets before coming to university. They need to be able to use Excel to survive in most organisations.

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The point is: if you are just managing some lists and doing very basic calculations, any spreadsheet will do.

For advanced modeling, Excel. Our data is in an Oracle database and it’s very easy to get it into Excel (or R). And when doing stuff on my MBP, I put the data into a PostreSQL database, which R/RStudio and Excel can access. One caveat: Excel for macOS is amputated compared to Excel for Windows. One of the reasons I have a Windows installation on my MBP (in Parallels).

Take Numbers: no pivot tables, no solver, no database integration … and the German translation/localization is just weird. Example: in trendlines, you have “power trend”. As in x^a. “Power” was not translated with it`s mathematical meaning, but as in “power of an engine”. Different words in German. I guess they just used Google translate.

On the other hand, we have a corporate template for reports. Which of course is in Word. I recreated it in LaTeX and everybody is just amazed at the ease with which I can create a full report with charts, references, tables, etc. in minutes.

I do a surprising amount of quick-n-dirty spreadsheet calculations, including percentages, currencies and conversions, with Soulver.



I couldn’t agree more. I loved Pocket Casts until their last big update. In all honesty, I believe it’s so called “user shock” but with the fundamental changes they’ve made to the app, they have seriously lacked in supporting documentation.

I left PocketCasts when watchOS 5 came out because Overcast was ready and PocketCasts wasn’t. The redesign validated my choice a bit. I really miss seeing all my podcasts on a grid of icons, though.

When Snow Mojave comes out, will the wallpapers look like Hoth? If so, I want the early beta!!

I’ve found some more. I’m writing an EBook on the Arduino. KindleGen (for Kindle epubs) and the AVR GCC compiler chain (for the Arduino) are 32-bit.

I moved to DTP from EN and have been very happy. It took a while for the AI to click. Once I figured out DT to Go on iOs it really made a difference. I started this thread back in June, and it helped me.


I am in a WIP with DEVONthink, but enjoying the process. All the best! :wink:

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I’m slowly drifting away from Things, as their stubbornness towards the ability to save searches for reuse makes it hard to use.

Saved searches would allow me to seach within a specific project/area and filter by tags, which would come very close to perspectives in OmniFocus.

Just in case it’s helpful: it actually is possible to save searches in Things, though it’s not baked in the way it is in OmniFocus.

Also, I can’t claim credit for this idea. I got it from another member of this forum, but my quick search to try to turn up the original thread was unsuccessful. :frowning:

Here’s an example of a search I might want to save:

I can click on the three dots at the top, then select “Share” and “Copy Link.”

In my sidebar, I’ve created an area called “Saved searches.” Under that, I can create a new project. I’ve given it the name “Demo,” followed by the link:

That link is live, and clicking on it gets me a list of all tasks with that tag, divided by the actual project they belong to:

It works pretty well, though it is admittedly a bit limited. Things doesn’t seem to do Boolean searches, so it looks like you can only search for one thing at time.


Damn, I should create fake accounts just to be able to like your post multiple times!
I totally missed that this was added. They must haved added it along with the extended URL-scheme support.

Thank you!

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You’re welcome! I just wish I could remember which forum member I stole the idea from.

True, but KeepIt still seems to have more active development than DEVONthink by far

Argh! It appears this only works on the Mac. The changes sync over to iOS, but the links aren’t live there for some reason.

If anyone knows of a fix for this, I’m all ears…

Nevermind. Adding the link to the notes field for the project (not just in the title) seems to do the trick.