I agree with @JohnAtl , I believe these forums do very well without trying to actively spark debate. Actually, that even makes them a very nice place to be in, restful and far from the gut-level reactions of the rest of the Internet – MacRumors especially.
Do let us know what you think, what you like, what cool workflow you have found and that could benefit the community. Why have you switched away from Firefox? Why aren’t you using Firefox anymore? What were the downsides over Safari?
For me, the best feature of Firefox is the Firefox containers.
It allows me to seperate sites in to specifc containers, which have their own cookies so it makes life simplier when you have to access multiple sites that require Microsoft logins.
uBlock plugin blocking Youtube adverts as well is worth using it for - something that Pi Hole doesn’t work on.
FWIW, I am interested in this topic and would be disappointed to see it devolve into a discussion of whether the discussion is appropriate.
I saw the announcement of new privacy and performance features in Firefox and thought it might be worth giving another try. But they weren’t QUITE interesting enough for me to do the browser shuffle again.
(I’m already exhausted from doing the note-taking app shuffle.)
I have finally landed on Firefox on all my devices. Safari 14 is slow as hell, does not have enough extensions for my needs (I’m especially missing SingleFile which I use all the time) and Brave just piles on its tabs in absurd tiny ones that don’t even scroll (there’s a long standing GitHub issue on this).
What bummed me was the lack of ad blocker on iOS but I’m now using NextDNS which takes care of that.
I am content with my situation. Firefox is snappy, I am not contributing to Chromium’s hegemony, I like it. I don’t love it, though. I wish it was more Mac-like (even Brave does a better effort). If SingleFile were to exist on Safari or if Brave would solve its ridiculous tab paradigm, I would very well change again. It’s not the best in my eyes, it’s the least worst, at the moment.
At least, while on that quest, I found (well, it was probably recommended here!) with NextDNS an inexpensive cross-platform and cross-browser ad blocker.
I like Safari, but it’s kind of annoying. There are videos that it won’t play (.webv I think). But add to reading list is convenient.
I do like Brave too, but sync between devices is a pain to set up.
So I kind of bounce between.
Maybe it’s time to try Firefox.
I think my only gripe with Firefox at this point is the lack of native macOS text expansion. I still work a lot on iOS, and while I could use espanso, or TextExpander, on the Mac. The lack of support with those apps and the regular iOS keyboard is a no-go.
All that said, the extension support is much better than Safari, and Containers are a vastly better solution than multiple profiles in Chrome. Also if you use a custom theme with auto day-night theme switcher, it feels a lot more “mac-like”.
For those that use both Safari and Firefox or different browsers, I highly recommend Bookmacster. I’ve been using it now for number of years and it’s excellent for syncing my bookmarks among a range of different browsers, so I’m not out of sync.
I use Firefox on Windows, Safari on iOS and Safari/Firefox on macOS, so this lets me have my bookmarks across all my devices.
Nobody knows what exactly happened and if moderation hasn’t intervened, then it’s not for us to know. I find it healthy to not assume anything, especially on the Internet.
compared to Safari, I prefer Firefox because of the extensions, especially Vimium, Bitwarden Multi Container Tab and uBlock Origin. Also how user can modify the shortcuts for the extensions.
compared to any Chromium based, I prefer Firefox because pinned tab cannot be accidentally closed by ⌘+W.
but I dislike (desktop) Firefox’s lack ofHandoff support and integration with other (mac) app—for example, extension for Alfred & DEVONthink should be installed for Alfred & DT to work with the browser.