What is Your Favorite App ... Ever

My favorite app on the Mac is Bartender. I’m fussy about my menu bar and Bartender lets me customize as I like.


My immediate answer is 1Password. However the one that has added value to me is FaceTime. The ease of having daily video chats with my now 93yr old dad are priceless.


My favorite app is … let’s see… definitely Keyboard Maestro. I quite recently made friends with KM, nevertheless it has helped me to correct for a lot if small problems with macOS and some of the apps I run. Shortcuts for window handling is one example.

An old app that I remember is circa 1992, when I spent hours and hours on my older brother´s Mac LC playing Glider, a marvellous game. Here is a screen image from the Windows version, today available emulated on the web:

PS Love this new forum, not on FB



There are so many that come to mind, it is really hard to pick just one answer. However, I think on IOS my favorite is Overcast. I love podcasts and Overcast is the best podcast player I have used, and I have tried almost all of them.

For the Mac its probably iTerm2, which I am sure is a head scratching answer for many, but I am a systems administrator so I spend the majority of my work day in a terminal session and iTerm2 makes that much more pleasant.


I would have to say Notability. I use it in every aspect of my life. And even though I’ve tried other note taking apps, I continue to come back to Notability.

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Logos Bible Software (now Faithlife) http://www.faithlife.com
I use it for hours every week and have ever since they used to ship updates on 5.25" floppies on my DOS system


Working in a mixed Os environment of Mac at home and Windows at work, my favourite apps would have to be OneNote & Dropbox which both keep my files, thoughts and ideas between the two platforms.

On the Mac my main apps are 1Password, Hazel, Omnifocus, Launchbar, DevonThink Pro Office.

Difficult question! Surely 1Password as the most critical app, but since I’m a hobbyist photographer I’d like to mention focos as well. This very impressive app lets you add detailed and variable bokeh to photos taken on an iPhone with depth features, like the iPhone X. Allison Sheridan’s tutorial on ScreenCastsOnline was superb!

Adobe Illustrator closely followed by

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@MacSparky The ColorComputer was my first computer-ever.
Yes, its BASIC was very powerful, and easy to use. I always wondered how anyone could do anything with the Apple II and C64, their BASICS were so primitive.

Well, you did say “ever”
My favorite app of all time is Xtree Gold, for the PC.

For the Mac, my favorite apps are:
PyCharm (not Mac specific though)


It is difficult to pick a single app, but mine would be Todoist - which I run everywhere and it helps keep me organised and sane.

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GoodNotes and OmniFocus for day to day work. Final Cut Pro X is a go-to for all my video post production work.

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KAMAS, a program that I suspect nobody here has ever heard of! Released in 1984 for CP/M, think of it as Scrivener with a built in scripting language. It was way ahead of it’s time. There’s a Wikipedia page about it, although it is referred to as a outline processor, each outline node can have text attached to it, and rearranging the outline instantly rearranges the text. I used it extensively for long-form documentation. KAMAS

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Our kids really loved Dancing Demon!

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Since so many people already mentioned TextExpander, 1Password, Evernote, and Apple Notes I’ll give a new one. iA Writer would be one of my most favorite apps. It’s no frills, no fuss way to write things in Markdown. Plus, it doesn’t have a subscription unlike other similar apps.

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Just checked the app store… IA Writer was upgraded 8 times in the last seven months. Thumbs up.

I’m also a sucker for their old default font, a custom version of Nitti. It’s so nice.

I’ve always liked the idea of Logos, but I’ve never wanted to pay that premium. I’m lucky enough to still have access to resources from my school’s library. What has made you stick with it for so long?

Wow! That is a loaded question, but fun to think about. Well, I would have to qualify it by picking the one that I use the most for leisure. However, I can’t do that because there are two apps that I use EVERY day, multiple times per day so I have to consider my favorite team. Drum roll please… They are Audible and Overcast on iOS. Love and use both of them constantly.

Evernote is still my favorite app. Both on IOS as on my MAC. I’m using it for years, is solid and a real extension to my brain.

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