WOW, Civil Much?

I appreciate you all more now than I did a couple of hours ago.

I’ve been researching macOS 15.2 slowness across the web, and the rude replies and digs people add on internet forums and in the comments are horrible.

Don’t get me wrong, I know we have our moments, but compared to those, the MPU Forum is in the eye of the storm.

Here’s to civility!


I wholeheartedly agree. This forum is an oasis in the desert. The anonymity of the internet often exposes people’s real character. After all, character is revealed more in secret than in public.

I am thankful for this community. While we may occasionally encounter “moments,” they are relatively rare. When they do occur, most of the time, an apology or clarification is promptly given.


You’re welcome lost lost brother :slight_smile:


You’re absolutely right. I always come here when I want a rest from insulting other users and sneering at their ridiculous questions and comments :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


I do not frequent many forums but I appreciate the tone and spirit here. So I tend to forget how rude people become on the web. They would never dare that in face to face communications. Like those two fellows below.



“Why can people not be weird psychopaths on the internet?“ — Federico Viticci


@geoffaire, maybe this is for a separate thread, but can you expand on “macOS 15.2 slowness”?


I am sorry you had to go through that @geoffaire especially when searching for something you need help with to be met with that negativity. I appreciate this post heavily.

MPU Forums is a fellowship for me, I also appreciate when we have the “moments” because any relationship/friendship/fellowship will have occasional storms and the community needs to learn to navigate that to grow further (just like a marriage, etc)

Cheers to MPU Forums! :beers: :coffee:

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I came across this story " Death Threats Nearly Caused Ryan Day’s Wife to Take Drastic Action". It illustrates the dark side of human nature.

You went to Reddit didn’t you?

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… reading the trash links found at the bottom of many web pages these days?

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Reddit is very different from one subreddit to another. Sometimes I got help there whereas everything what I got on Stack Overflow was several downvotes. Sometimes the other way around. Each community has its own good and bad sides. Here, for example, most people are so nice… But as one of my ex-girlfriends rightly said, “if one is a friend to everyone, one is not a friend to anyone”.

I never read those.

20 characters

I think there is a difference between being friendly and a friend. In general, being friendly, or more precisely civil, should be the norm (there are exceptions when addressing evil behavior, injustice, etc.), and being a friend.


Some people are okay about hypocrisy and some aren’t.

I’m not sure what you mean (sorry if I’m being dense :slightly_smiling_face:), but being okay with something doesn’t necessarily make it good. Unfortunately, people are often okay with many bad things. I’ve also noticed that “hypocrisy” is often confused with inconsistency or failing to meet one’s ideals. Neither of these is necessarily hypocrisy. No one is perfect even with the best of efforts. If perfection between one’s profession and one’s practice is required, we are all hypocrites. Although hypocrisy can have different meanings, I believe the best definition is related to pretense or deception, “wearing a mask.” :slightly_smiling_face:

Sadly, one does need to go to tech blogs or other forums for incivility.

Just read or watch the news and expose yourself to what apparently now constitutes “reasoned, considered, polite yet vigorous debate’ of the political sphere….more like a very nasty version of a cartoon, without the humour.

Politics has always been a challenge of principles, ideas and beliefs, often delivered in a critical or ridiculing tone and with many a barbed invective added, but now it seems name calling or abusing someone is deemed a sufficient argument to make and win your argument…

With that point I shall step off my soap box to avoid a stoning…:slight_smile:


You’ll see no stones from me. :slightly_smiling_face: I couldn’t agree more.

It’s disheartening to see politicians and the media across the political spectrum descend into verbal gladiatorial contests, where unsubstantiated assertions, slander, hyperbole, and fear-mongering take the place of reasoned and respectful debate. This is one reason I no longer watch cable news. Instead, I rely on written journalism from across the ideological spectrum, drawing from sources like the New York Times, The Atlantic, Politico, National Review, and The Wall Street Journal, among others.

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Agreed. Now if we could only get this out of our Tech podcasts, life would be grand.