iPhone Homescreens!

I’m trying a combination of the Grey and Sparks methods, liking it so far!


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Holy moly! This is a great thread!

For my own benefit - and hopefully that of others - I’ve summarised some crazy things I didn’t know:

  • Cortex wallpaper - using gridlines as wallpaper is excellent!!
  • Using emoji in folder names!
  • Blank icons - a wonderful workaround!

(I’m just a little bit excited to properly digest what apps everyone is using and how I can implement some of the above when I have time… And I promise I’ll upload my own homescreens soon, too!)

Here’s mine home screen. I use the spotlight search, LCP and drafts to really cut down on the apps I need on the home screen. I bury my email in a folder so it’s a little less out of site. I remember reading or hearing something either on MPU or somewhere else about giving yourself as little “brain candy” as possibly on your home screen. My goal is to give myself very little to do on my phone so I don’t use it as a time killer. I want it to be kind of boring I guess. So the things I have here are mostly things that require something from me rather than feed me dopamine hits.

Homescreen from Walli.


Here’s my fairly busy home screen (in comparison to most others!)


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Clearly a man with great taste!

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I complained about my screen shots being too large to upload. The fix was to go into edit mode and click on the magic wand.

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Whoa! iOS 13? How is it working with your existing apps?

Oops, I should I have prefaced! Not iOS 13. Just the wallpaper. :slight_smile:

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@Dfuhrman awesome background picture!!! You use due, Omnifocus, and anylist?

Due for my terrible memory and alerts. Any LIst to share shopping lists with my wife, and OmniFocus for all the other stuff.

Pic is from Unsplash.

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Here’s my homescreen. The top row is for reference apps, the second row is audio content, and the third is for communication.

The fourth is apps related to my infant son (he’s practically the only one I take pictures of these days). I’ve found so much utility in my phone since I had a baby a few months ago. Baby Connect is awesome and works with Siri shortcuts. I use it to track his feedings, sleeping, diapers, etc. The badge on the app in the screenshot means he is currently sleeping. Several of the apps in the group with his name are Siri shortcuts for things like starting bottle timers or logging a diaper change. I also have an app for his white noise machine, video monitor, and thermometer!

The fifth row is for check lists, todos, and journaling. Tody is an amazing app that my husband and I share for household management. You can set chores to a specific interval and it will let you know how long it’s been since you’ve done a particular task. It helps us triage cleaning tasks and only do the most urgent since we don’t have much time these days (see: infant).

The dock is probably self-explanatory.

The rest of the apps on the second screen are arranged by color. I’m a pretty visual person, so this works for me and the rainbow makes me happy. Anything I need to get quickly is on the home screen, so if I have to think for a moment to find another app, that’s okay. Plus muscle memory is pretty strong for the ones I use frequently. Or I just search for it on spotlight.


I have it on the home page too because I find that often I want to access the camera when my phone is already locked and this is the quickest way to do so.

This has been my home screen for awhile now. I have the iPhone XS so the all black background works well. Additionally, I use an all black app icon with a blank shortcut to push down the top row.

I keep all my apps on the first page in folders. i just throw apps in there because I use search for almost everything.

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