Mastermind Groups

No pressure @MacSparky :wink:

@mikeschmitz I’m super fine with helping organize us. Check your email as I got a start on the Airtable database last night and shared it with you. Between GDocs and Airtable, we ought to be able to nail this.

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I would be very interested in a mastermind group if anyone is looking for someone to join. I would really enjoy the comradery and community with other like-minded individuals. I also really like problem solving for others!

I suppose I should give a quick introduction to who I am and what I do for people actively looking for someone to join a mastermind.

My name is Jeff Perry, and I am a co-host of the podcast A Slab of Glass. I also am a writer on Rocket Panda where I talk about the iPad, Apple, Blogging, and other tech geek stuff like that.

I have been in broadcasting for 5 years now and enjoy great journalism, non-fiction productivity books, and a plethora of podcasts.

Podcasting has been a passion of mine for the better part of a decade and I have learned a ton about what some good practices are and how to get started with podcasting. I love helping others get started with this and making it stick.

I am also looking for a group that is focused on blogging, podcasting, and writing since these are the things that I am interested in and also consider myself qualified to help out with.

Thanks all!


Would love to contribute to a mastermind.

My name is Matt, I live in NJ close to NYC.
I hate waste, that’s what brought me to the world of productivity and the Focused podcast.

My time is spent operating and owning 2 payment companies, 2 eCommerce companies (which I am stepping away from having largely automated them.
I’ve been in EO which has a Forum concept which is similar and happy to lead a group, or just join.
Happy to share all my experiences if it helps anyone.

Looking forward to seeing what materializes.


Thanks, Mike! I was just listening to you & David today and heard you refer to it at the end of the podcast. I can cross off my Omnifocus task to check that out, since you have provided the link here! Yay, Mike!

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Just went to the recommended books. Excellent choices! Few more to put on my list.
Enjoy the holiday with your family!

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Really excited to announce we’ve got a much better way to connect people into mastermind groups, thanks to a lot of help from @CRMFYI - details here: About the Mastermind Groups category

If you’ve posted here about being interested in joining a mastermind group but haven’t been able to make one of the calls, we now have a form you can fill out so we can connect you with others based on your availability!


Quick update… @mikeschmitz’s efforts have paid off. @mmandell, Josh and I met via Zoom this afternoon. We’re a small group, with diverse professional interests. Excited to see where this goes.

Still looking for another 2-3 people!!

I know @jacobio was looking for a group, but it didn’t look like availability would match - though maybe he can make it work!

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I submitted my information through the form last night, but I thought it might be good to add a note here, especially since I’m a little late to the party.

I’m excited about joining or even hosting a group soon. I’ve heard a lot of how incredibly helpful mastermind groups can be, and I look forward to seeing what a small group of people can do together.

I am in the process of writing a book and making some videos that I hope to sell online later this year. I would love some support as I go.

I’m in the US/eastern time zone, and I have some flexibility about when to meet.

I look forward to seeing what develops!

Hi all,

I’m late to the party and not sure if there’s a system in place to join one of the mastermind groups but I’d like to participate. I’m in Vancouver, BC so Pacific time zone. I’m a photographer and photography instructor and like @chrismay I’m creating videos for an online course and trying to create a “tribe”.

Answered my own question, found the link to the mastermind form. Looking forward to it.

Hi Mike,
After listening to @MacSparky gush over how much he has gotten out of his Mastermind Group in the latest episode of Focused I would like to follow up with you and see if there is a form that I could fill out. Thanks,

My mastermind group fell apart so I’m definitely willing to form a new one! Not sure your schedule (your profile says California, I’m in EST) or if there are any other forum members interested.

Tell me more!

Apparently I need more characters to say I’m interested.

how is your mastermind working out? Do you have a guidelines that you follow?

Well just like @ximacloudx I was unlucky and the other 2 people flaked out. I’m still interested in trying again. I’m in Vancouver, BC and I also work from home.

I was part of a group years ago and I really enjoyed it. It was great to be able to bounce ideas and have accountability for weekly goals. I’m up for trying again if interested.

Not who you asked but…

I’m in a mastermind group of 4. We were 3 one had to leave due to other comitments and we invited in 2 others. It’s GREAT (yes I am shouting) We cross timezones, life states, professons and avocations and I always learn something new every week. We get together once a week for a zoom call of ~ an hour. Each persn hasime (6 minutes +or -) for a recap of the past week and anytihing they need help or comments on. Thern we have a roughly 20-30 minute session for one person to dive deep into what’s happening with them. It rotates week by week. If someone misses a week for whatever reason we just skip to the next person and they get caught up when their turn comes around again.

I’ve learned so much in my Mastermind, it’s a really important part of my week and the few times I’ve missed a meeting I really feel it.

Keys, finding a group that has a basic appreciation for each other’s viewpoints
allowing time for each person to speak and be heard
Finding a group that is simpatico but not in the same industry or area, the different viewpoints are critical IMO to making the info useful. This is not an echo chamber


Thank you so much for the info, this is exactly what I imagined it would be and I think the structure is a good balance with a quick check in and then one deep dive that rotates each week.
