I just wanted to post here - i saw that the creator of Analog was on Focused in March, and I think a few like-minded MPUsers would find this interesting.
i backed Analog on Kickstarter when I was losing focus using my 100th digital task system and still not getting the important tasks done at work. To be honest, I backed it on a lark, not expecting to like it.
While i waited for Analog to ship, i decided to “roll my own”, creating custom task lists that i printed on Avery index card sheets. I was surprised how much I liked it as my daily driver, and only using Things as my long-term data storage.
When my Analog shipped, I thought, “Oh no, I don’t need this now. My own version is working so well.” But I got the Analog in the mail, which I had paid for, so I gave it a shot.
5 minutes later, all of my own index cards were in the garbage, and I was an Analog convert. The feel, the weight, the look, the little design choices. I could have never done something like this on my own.
I’ve been doing this for a few months now:
In the morning, before I look at any task list, I figure out my day in a daily journal on GoodNotes (from the Sweet Setup), and blue sky the three most important things I have to do in the day. Then I open up Things and see if there are any tasks that are both time sensitive and quick to do. I put 2 or 3 at the top of a fresh analog card, list my three items from my journal, and then see if there are 4 or 5 more tasks that I should try to get done for the day. Then I minimize Things, only opening it up to add more tasks for the future. For the day, I have my Analog card holder right below my screen, and when I have a moment, look down at today’s card before looking back at my email, messages, or any other time-stealers. I normally have a VERY booked day of zoom meetings and phone calls, so it will take me a full day to even finish 6 or 7 of my 10 daily tasks. But it really keeps me focused.
And I like the practice of hand writing the list every morning. This week, I wrote the same task EVERY morning. By Friday, I thought, “geez, I have to do this first, or delegate it to someone else.” And I got it done. I wish I could say the same thing for the dozens of tasks I had trapped in Things when I used it as my daily driver.
Strong recommend to anyone looking to change up their productivity system. The cards are fantastic!