I wrote a comment a few years ago in the thread [Time to rip off the Evernote bandaid - can you help me to chose my new "Evernote"?], which seems applicable here.
Like @MitchWagner, I was and remain very much down on “everything buckets.” I abandoned using them for the reasons quoted in the article I posted in that linked comment. As a footnote, I’ve found that my move away from everything buckets has been highly successful for me in the following ways.
- it has enabled me to organize my information better and more easily;
- it has allowed me more easy and efficient access to the information;
- it has enabled more efficient “capturing” of the information;
- it has provided better contextually useful ways of accessing my information; and
- it has enabled me to have access to more powerful tools that are designed to work with the specific type of information that I’m maintaining, rather than watered-down generic tools that are designed to work on everything.
The linked Alex Payne article has moved. Here is the updated link: https://www.al3x.net/blog/2009/01/31/the-case-against-everything-buckets