I just went through the onboarding with Meta’s founder, Yu An (Alan) Chan, and Ethan W.
Meta is currently in the early alpha stage, but the features are impressive. Alan uses Meta itself to handle the Meta project. It’s also well researched and thought out. I’m impressed with the amount of work and research he has done on the project, and thinking through how people will use it.
I also liked the way they conducted the onboarding session, first learning about me and my expected use of the program, then having me share my screen and watch me use it as a new user, and finally showing me how he uses it himself.
Meta allows you to create markdown notes on what are called cards. These cards can arranged and connected together on a whiteboard to show relationships between them. Multiple whiteboards can be arranged on the Home space, where one can drill down into a whiteboard, work on some cards, then go back to the Home space. Cards are kept in a library, and can exist on multiple whiteboards.
They just released their desktop apps for Mac and Windows (Linux on the way).
Data is stored locally. There is a Backup Everyday button that exports everything to markdown files. You can also import md files.
Looks like there is a lot of potential here!
You can join the waitlist for an onboarding session at their website.